One year ago today, we purchased a handsome puppy that we named Duke Peterson. We had been looking for a dog for a couple weeks after the passing of our old dog Abby and we were not having much luck. We wanted a girl just like our Abby. Well we found an ad on that had a litter of puppies and they had a pretty girl. Well we hummed and hawed a couple days and when we decided to get her, my hubby called the lady and she said she just sold the girl. We were disappointed but the lady did say she had some boy puppies that were "discounted." So we decided a boy puppy wouldn't be bad so we went out to see them. We got out of the truck and here comes this handsome puppy on a dead run to us. We fell in love instantly. On the way home, he sat in my lap and was so sweet. My hubby named him Duke on the way home and that was that.

Duke was your typical puppy. He cried a lot at first, wanted to stay in my bed at night while Brian worked, ate a lot, and loved the kids. I know Kimberly and Matthew fell madly in love with Duke from the first kiss. With love from Brian (and a little force), Duke became an outside dog that loved coming in during the day. And boy did he grow fast. I couldn't believe how quickly he grew. But he was still a puppy. He loved taking the kids' toys and eat everything in sight.
A year later, not much has changed. He still sleeps outside but loves coming into the house. He still eats a lot and still loves to take the kids' toys. He gets in trouble a lot but he is so lovable. My favorite thing is watching him jump into Brian's lap and give him loves. haha.
We are so grateful for our Duke and what he has brought into our lives.
Much loves Dukey!