We have had a good summer. We have been busy and have enjoyed the sun. We got to enjoy the 24th of July Pioneer Day. The day starts at the church with our Stake breakfast and Primary parade. The kids decorated their bikes and scooters this year and had a ball riding around the church. Matthew was determined to ride his big bike and he did great. He looked so big in that parade. Then we got to watch the Logan parade. We had a lot of fun because the cousins that live in town all joined us. It is great to have so many cousins live nearby. Then after cooling off at home for a couple hrs, we headed to Brian's brother's house in Tremonton for dinner and fireworks. More cousins and lots more fun. It is a long day but the kids have a great time.
Our other big news this month of July was our new purchase. Brian and I decided this year that we needed a van with our new addition arriving later in the year. We both bought our previous vehicles in December and learned that is a major expense to register at a bad time of year. So we were determined to find a van in July. Well after much research and looking around, we came across a nice Dodge Grand Caravan SXT 2008. It is the perfect size and we love it. It was a little heartbreaking to give up my 4runner but a van was needed. We have enjoyed every minute of and can't wait for when our baby arrives.
The pregnancy has had its moments this time. I had a scare with high blood pressure so we made sure to eliminate all stress out of my life (well as best as we could) and it helped a bunch. The sad thing was I had to give up my Primary Secretary calling. I can't believe how long I have been in the Primary. Kimberly was in nursery when I started. It hasn't been too bad being in Relief Society and Sunday school. I just miss the kids in Primary. Maybe in the future I will be back in the primary one day.
Here are some pictures:
Next month: Ultrasound on baby, dr appts, family campout, and school starts!