After breakfast we decided to hit Disneyland again cause we missed a couple lands. Well this was not the day to try and get to Tomorrowland (good thing we hit this the other day). This was the grand opening of Star Tours. You should have seen the line for it. People were waiting 4 hrs for this ride and they had to block off part of Main Street just for the line. And I have to say... Friday or the weekend is not the day for Disneyland. Man I swear you could tell there were 1000s more people there just that one day. We ventured into Adventureland (like that) and first thing we saw... Jasmine and Aladdin. So we got our picture with them.
Then we hit the jungle cruise. Hilarious tour guide... made you laugh the entire time. When the kids get older, we totally have to try Indiana Jones and Pirates of the Carribean. Brian and the kids climbed in a tree house but Kimberly got a bit scared of the heights so they came down quickly. We got a chance to ride a pirate boat and after the rapids the day before, Kimberly was a bit leary of boats and water. haha. It was a nice peaceful ride and pretty cool boat.
We then went by splash mountain where Kimberly was dead set she wasn't going on that ride. We rode Winnie the Pooh and then Brian rode splash mountain. They had a great deal... if you were a single rider, you could enter thru the exit and only wait about 10 minutes. Much better than waiting the 60 + minutes like everyone else. I was going to ride it after Brian but luck would have it that Jacob got fussy. haha. We checked out everything we could (and missed a bunch cause of scared kids). The kids were really whining that day and Matthew just insisted all day that he couldn't walk cause his legs hurt. We did get a chance to ride the monorail (not as fun as I remember) and that was about it.
Grandparents and family were sweet enough to give all of us some money for souveniers. So we really needed to spend this money and get our treasures. This is what we spent the rest of the day doing... that and swimming. Funny thing about young kids... they have no concept of what souveniers are. The kids wanted to buy toys at every store. Brian and I let them buy one toy but the rest of it we wanted something to remember our trip by. So we got some shirts, jewelry, pens, color books, hats, etc. Here was a funny while were shopping. The kids were really whining and wanting toys and what not. Brian and I were very tired of hearing it. So we were checking out with whining kids underfoot and Jacob was in the baby bjorn on Brian. Well I guess my sugar from the day before got to him cause he projectiled spitup right on Matthew's head. Oh man... that broke the tension. Brian and I busted up while trying to clean off Matthew. Matthew was a little grossed out so he just shut up for a bit. Kimberly couldn't stop laughing, mainly because it didn't happen to her. And Jacob just had a bit smile on his face.. he probably felt a lot better. I guess we needed that moment! haha
By this night, we were tired and ready to head home. We can't wait to go back when our kids are a bit older so maybe we can hit those other rides but we totally wouldn't have changed anything on this trip. Well worth the money and time.
Saturday morning we got up early and headed for home. We were tired and ready to be home so we didn't stop long when we did stop. By the 11 hour of driving, Jacob had had his limit. He was screaming so bad. We felt bad but had no other option but to get home. I have to say what a wonderful feeling it was to start seeing the Wasatch mountains come into view. When we hit Salt Lake, we felt like we were home.
The trip was wonderful, the drive long, but all in all... perfect. Now I need 5 more years to recover before we plan this again!