Red, White, and & Blue is the theme this week. Normally I would be showing pictures of the July 24th parade and our fireworks but we had a different version of red, white, and blue this week.
Tuesday afternoon the boys were practicing their golf swings with daddy on the watch. After they finished that, daddy told them to put the clubs away and came in the house. His mom called and he was upstairs talking to her. I was downstairs with Kimberly. I heard a noise outside and instantly got this really sick feeling inside and knew I needed to go upstairs and check on the boys. At this time, Brian didn't see anything but also heard something. Then he heard Matthew asking Jacob if he was ok and then Matthew started screaming that there was blood. Brian ran out to get Jacob. I came upstairs to see Brian coming in with Jacob in his arms. Blood was just gushing out of Jacob's head and running down his cheek. That would be my red.
I was ready to pass out. I couldn't believe my baby had blood everywhere. I then needed to know what happened. Well Matthew was running around outside upset at what happened. I got him in the house, gave him a good spanking and then found out that he decided to practice hitting the baseball and didn't look to see if anything was around. Oh boy that made my heart sink. I could see Matthew was really upset. We already had a rule at our house that you don't play with the golf clubs without an adult. I guess we now have to have the same rule for baseball bats.
I then could hear Jacob upset and fighting daddy so I knew I was going to have to suck up my fear and deal with Jacob. I went in and tried to clean him up so we could see what we were dealing with. But Jacob would not let anyone of us get near his head. I was able to clean up a little blood on his hands, face, and legs but I could not touch his head. From what I could tell with all the blood, he had a good cut and possible indention. I knew we had to go to the hospital and I also knew I couldn't send Brian alone. With some great help from a visiting teacher, Brian and I were able to head to the doctor within a few minutes. White would be the color I turned when I saw all the blood and the fact that Jacob was wearing a white shirt, now stained with blood. (We threw the shirt right in the garbage.)
We decided the Instacare would be closer and faster so we went there. Unfortunately Jacob wouldn't let us cover his head so he looked pretty gruesome. It was pretty busy but they took us right in. Now Jacob is a cute boy and the nurses were gushing over him. He was loving all the attention. He got a sucker, a squirt gun (syringe), a sticker, and a movie all so they could clean his wound. He wanted me to hold him and that was good because I couldn't really see how bad things were. When the nurses cleaned it mostly up, they gave us good news. The cut looked minor and very clean. The dr came in and agreed with the nurses that it was a minor cut and Jacob was going to be ok. The cut was big enough for some glue and Jacob took that great. The dr was so happy with him so she gave him a popsicle. Jacob had a big smile leaving the hospital. I was just grateful it was so minor. This could have been extremely serious. After the glue, Jacob's wound looked blue... hence the Blue.
Here is the wound.

Here is my happy boy after all the crazy.

The only downfall from all this was Jacob is not allowed under water for a week. After a couple of days, Jacob let us touch his owie. He still loves his brother and brother, I think, has learned a valuable lesson.
We did get to enjoy a parade and fireworks on the 24th. Here are some pictures:
He finally liked sparklers.

He was acting scared about sparklers.

Having fun for a minute.

I will tell ya.... I was pretty ill after all this. I couldn't get that image of Jacob and blood out of my mind and it was making me sick to my stomach. The worse thing... all these ladies kept telling me this is just the start. I really hope we don't have anything much more serious than this. I don't know if my heart can handle it.