Wasn't my hubby sweet. I love him!
So this week's pictures are about someone we love. I thought about this so much. I love a lot of people. I mean I love my family, my parents, my in-laws, my visiting teaching sisters, my girl scouts, my friends, my girl scout leaders, my primary class.... you get my point. I knew I wanted to take pictures of my hubby and kids because they are whom I love the most! But I wanted to expand and really think about what I love about them. I love them all the time... I despise them some of the time. haha. I needed to think about what I love about them.
Lets start with my youngest, Jacob. This kid is my favorite right now. I shouldn't say that but he makes me mad the least. haha. No he is a doll and I just love everything about him. My favorite love about him right now is how I am his everything. I am super mom to him and can do anything. He loves me no matter my mood and shows me all the time. He always makes me smile.

Next is Matthew. He is a great kid. There are so many things I love about him and he is starting to get that age where there are a lot of things that drive me insane. One thing I love about him most is his zest for life. When he loves something, he puts his all into it. For example, if I ask him to clean his room up (most of the time), he will clean his room and the play room and the living room. He does all this because he knows it will make me happy. He loves school and is so excited every day to go. He loves to play sports and will put his heart and soul into it. If he wants to go outside and practice baseball, he will spend hours out there perfecting something. I hope he continues this.
My oldest is next, Kimberly. As much as we fight and butt heads, there are a lot of things I love about her. Her talents are remarkable. When she loves something, she puts her heart into it. To watch her dance, my heart swells. But one of the things I love most about her is her kindness. This girl is a friend to everyone. She makes friends so easily. I wasn't worried about her at all when we moved because I knew she would find friends and she has. But she doesn't have just one kind of friend, she is friends with everyone no matter what they look or act like. I love being at a school function with her and hear all the kids excited to see her and say hi to her. She even thinks and wonders about her old friends. For her to pick just a couple friends to do something with is a very hard decision for her because she doesn't want to leave anyone out. I love this about her. This quality will help go far in the future.

Last but not least would be the person I love the absolute most! My hubby Brian is so wonderful and an amazing man, hubby, dad. There are so many things I love about him... hard to choose. One of my favorite loves about him is what made me fall head over heels in love with him in the first place... he is such a gentleman. He insists on holding doors open, opening car doors for me, taking out the trash, fixing things. Things like that are such a great quality in a man and I hope my boys follow in their father's footsteps.

This was a fun week to reflect on my loves for these people, especially on Valentine's Day. We don't do anything special... we just give cards, treats, and have a nice dinner. We have found it isn't fun to go out on Valentine's Day so we stay home and make a nice steak/shrimp dinner. I have tried to improve it each year (change mashed potatoes to smashed potatoes, add garlic butter to the steak, add fancy veggies, etc). Of course we have to end our Valentine's Day with our usual... chocolate with bananas, oranges, and stawberries. Yum. (Jacob below is enjoying some chocolate oranges).
Next week is Something Red... hmmmm. This one might be tough!