I "legally" started driving when I was 15 years old. That isn't saying I never got behind the wheel of a vehicle prior to that... hehe. I love to drive and always have from the time I was allowed. My first car that my parents let me drive was our "K" car. I loved this car. It got me to and from and I had room for friends. This beauty made it thru high school and 1 year of college. During my first year of college, the heating element died (or something to that effect). I spent my winter down here in Logan freezing because my car only blew out cold air. Then the battery went kaput! I remember complaining to my parents about the car but they told me to just deal. (I think they were much nicer than that but that was my feelings.) Well one weekend I was sick and wanting my mom. But my battery was dead and there was no getting home. So I called my dad and begged him to come jump my car and help me get home (just a little 3 hour trip dad... no big deal). Luckily he did and he was even nice enough to let me drive the Bronco II home while he drove my car. When we got home, he told me he was buying me a new car because he froze all the way home. I was one happy girl.
(Sadly I didn't have a picture of my "K" car... this one was found on the internet but pretty much looked just like it)
My parents let me choose my new car and my car of choice... Metallic Blue Dodge Shadow ES. This people was my sports car. Oh how I loved this car. It had so much power. I felt awesome in this baby. It got me to and from places in a jiffy (just ask my mom how quickly I could get from Logan to Soda... haha). This car did have a paint problem if I remember correctly and had to be repainted once (defect, not me!) The only downfall was this car was not a safe one in the winter. I remember driving in ruts of snow and just knowing I was going to slide off the road at any minute. Because of this, I decided I needed my next car to be a snow vehicle. So after a few years and working my behind off, I earned enough money to buy my own brand new car and I knew just what I wanted.

(Sadly I didn't have a picture of my Shadow with me so I swiped this one off the internet... just picture mine blue)
This folks was my baby, my pride and joy. I was so thrilled not only to find a dream vehicle, but to pay for it all on my own. I put a nice down payment on it (not to mention my trade in for my Shadow) and this was all mine. I loved this car. It handled snow lovely (4 wheel drive was the best) and yet looked great in the summer time with the sun roof back. Yes I have to say I looked great in it. haha. My hubby loved this car. He too felt pretty awesome in it. 2 of our beautiful children loved riding in this vehicle. They were up high enough to look at the windows (it even came with child locks on the doors... bonus for us). Sadly we knew we had to end this love affair when we became pregnant with our 3 little rugrat. I seriously was bummed the day we signed the papers giving the dealership my 4 runner.

(Sadly I didn't have a picture of my beautiful 4 runner handy so I borrowed this one but mine looked just like it)
Yes people we gave up the sporty vehicles and got us a MINIVAN!!! It was much needed for our growing family and my favorite feature was the automatic doors. I enjoyed just being able to push a button and let my children out for school. Now this wasn't an easy decision for me and my hubby. He really didn't want a minivan but he knew we needed it. His thing was he didn't want the round looking minivan. He wanted something sporty looking so that was when we found the Dodge Caravan you see below. It is more of a boxy shape and that interested my hubby. Plus the entire interior is black which makes you not feel so much like a soccer mom but a way cool mom. So this is our vehicle of choice for now. Eventually this will get old when our children will move away and we won't have a need for it. But it works great for us now.
(Yes these are my actual pictures for once!)
Now I know this won't be my final vehicle. I know there will be a new truck in our near future (please ford 150 hold out for 3 more years). But I am hoping way in the future I will be able to own my dream car... yes I have had a dream car in mind for many years. Pretty much since I received that drivers license. Here is it folks:

I have always been in love with a Chevy Corvette. I know I would look great in this car.
One day!!!!!! (Nope, not my picture)
Next weeks theme is sleeping and I have to say, I love sleeping pictures. Should be a fun one. Better get the camera charged.