Another year of swimming lessons is behind us and once again the children did their best. We go into swimming lessons hoping that our children improve just a little bit by the end. Once again our children didn't disappoint. I am personally just grateful they stayed in the pool (there were some mommies with children that wouldn't get into the pool).
This is how Jacob watches swimming lessons.

Next year will be his turn.

Matthew back floating.

Matthew is an awesome swimmer. He has no fear of the water. When he floats, he just floats like a dead fish. He thinks it is funny we call him that. I am so proud of his swimming ability. I can't wait to see what the future holds with this kid and swimming. (I wouldn't be surprised if he passes up his sister one day).
Matthew front floating.

And his favorite part, jumping in!

Kimberly side swimming.

Kimberly did really well this year in swimming lessons. Let me first explain something about Kimmy. Until she was 2 years old, she had a fear of water. Not sure why but she hated water, especially baths. Finally she realized nothing bad would happen to her and started liking the water. But because of her fear, I didn't put her into swimming lessons too early. Once I got her in them, she loved it. She still has a bit of a fear and it shows in some of her swims but she is trying and that is what matters to me. If her instructor wants her to try something, she does and she practices until she knows she is doing it correctly. Because of her fear, she is a bit slow in learning. That is okay with me because she still loves to swim.
Side swimming on the other side.

Front stroke.

I am super proud of my two fishes. Can't wait to practice what we learned in the pool this summer! Thanks Sports Academy!