Where has a month gone?! It has almost been a month since I posted something. That either means we have been extremely busy or nothing exciting has happened in a month. Believe me, it is never the latter!
There is always a couple busy events in February with Girl Scouts. One is World Thinking Day. This is an event that is celebrated all over the world. Here in the valley, we hold a fun event for the entire family. Each troop does a country... so that means we learn about that country and display what we learned. We also get to try foods, crafts, games, etc from that country. This is always a busy thing for the troop. This year we just threw an email out to the families of our troop to see if anyone had a country they had an interest in and would be willing to help. Luck have it, we had a family from El Salvador and they were super excited to share their country. So much so, they did the entire World Thinking Day event for us. It still was work for me but so happy to have someone else do most of the work. Really fun event for the family.

After that big event was over, my birthday crept up again. I swear the years are flying by now. My family wanted to celebrate a couple of days worth. Saturday my hubby and kids bought my favorite cake (carrot) and decorated the house and we went out to dinner with my parents (part of that was also because Kimberly had a performance that night). Then on my actual birthday, my parents came to spend the day with me and bought me this cute Jr cake. It was a fun day and then went out for dinner that night with my in-laws. I do feel spoiled on my birthday, even if I don't want them to come.

The weekend after my birthday was cookie delivery day. This is the day that all the valley's cookies arrive. That may not seem like a lot but when you see 3000 cases of cookies, it just blows you away. My hubby and I love to go help sort these cookies to the troop for a couple of reasons... great exercise and we get our troops cookies early. But that also means we have to sort cookies for our troop and each girl. It is a busy, and exhausting day but glad to have it over.
This week was my dad's birthday. We love to celebrate our parents bdays. We love to spoil them and love them up. My dad turned 65 this year and doesn't look it. He has been working really hard on his health lately and I am so proud of him. We want him around an awfully long time. Below are just some fun pictures of the kids and him on his birthday. Kimberly sat on the saddle for dad at Texas Roadhouse. Jacob was obsessed with giving pinches for Grampie to grow!
This picture makes me smile. Jacob's middle name is Lewis after my dad. Jacob is seriously a little Lewie. They have about the same quirkiness.
I wish I could say that life will slow down now but I know better. We have been up to our eyeballs in cookies at our house. Happy to say they are almost all delivered.
Spring is on its way and I can't wait. I am ready to get out and walk!