On May 30th, we celebrated Matthew's 2nd birthday. I can't believe two years has already past. Where does the time go? Matthew was born on May 30, 2007 at 9:09 a.m. He was a hard baby to carry. I carried him all in front and that was rough on my body. I was having contractions pretty much the entire month of May and my dr told me to stay close the home the entire month. He was sure I was going to come early with him. But nope... Matthew stayed in my tummy until the day we decided he should be born. He wasn't due until June 6th but I really wanted him to come in May. Since I was having to schedule a c-section, I asked my dr about May 31st. He said that wouldn't work for him but May 30th would. Fine by me. I wanted him in May because we have a lot of June birthdays in the family. So we went into the hospital around 7:30 and had Matthew at 9:09. The nurses and drs said he was so huge and he was. He weighed in at 8 lbs 14 oz. He was such a little chunk. So cute though. He gave us some struggles at first with choking and jaundice but he has turned out to be a healthy boy. So proud to have a little Brian running around the house.

This is Matthew's official number 2 birthday picture.

This was his way of showing 2 fingers. Not as easy as one finger.

Matthew wasn't sure of us singing to him. So he was making really weird faces to us.

Matthew loves blowing out fire (candles on the table, etc) so we gave him more than just his number 2 candle to blow out. He had a ball (see below):

We had a fun day celebrating his birthday. Grammie and Grampie made it home for it and the kids loved having them visit. Grandma and Grandpa came to visit and they are sweet as ever. Our sweet neighbors Clare and Marian came over with a present and Aunt Barbara and family dropped off a gift. Matthew got spoiled as did Kimberly. For some reason people seem to think that if one gets a present, the other needs one too.
Oh the joys of our little ones. They truely do put smiles on our faces.
Blessings to all until next post.
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