Matthew is my Linus from Charlie Brown. This blanket has been with him since he was born. He loves this blanket. The only problem is this blanket has so many holes in it. In fact, Matthew has made handles in it to carry it around. My mom convinced him that he needed to get rid of it. She even bought him a green (his favorite color) blanket. He was all for the new blanket and to get rid of the old one until it was bedtime. He had the hardest time going to sleep and all because he didn't have his comfort. Once we gave it back, he slept fine. One day I will be able to cut this blanket up and put it in his baby book... but that might not be until high school!
Uh, yeah. I may have to blog pictures of the security objects our house doesn't run without. Me: I still carry a raggedy piece of satin ribbon in my pocket most days, a throwback to the satin edging on my blankie my gramma made me. Kyle James has a ratty-ass fleece pillow I made him several years ago that he loves, and it's horrid...and Gabe has his Ducky which is old and wretched too... Oh well!