October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010

Our pumpkins for 2010 Halloween. The kids painted theirs (Matthew got a little wild with the paint) and when it rained/snowed one day, the paint washed away. They were a bit sad.
Duke is pretty cute in this picture. This is the closest he got to the pumpkins.

Princess Tiana and the frog.

Kimberly at her school Halloween parade.

Tooth #5

October 15, 2010

The end of soccer

So some of you may be wondering how did soccer go after my post on the first soccer game. Well we lucked out having a little boy that started enjoying soccer and realizing he was just going to have to be tough.

The remainder games went pretty well. Matthew even got into pushing kids around and if he got pushed down, he would just jump back up. He even would kick the ball quite a few times. I am sure after a couple more years of playing soccer, he will be the one making goals and being the great soccer player.

We are very proud of him!

Silly Matthew and Duke Pictures

Bullies are not cool!

It's not good when your daughter comes home from school with big bandages on both knees. As a kid I remember crashing many of times at school (trying to beat the boys to the door I am sure) so I figured Kimberly probably just crashed too. Her nickname is Grace for a reason. When she told me that a second grader pushed her, I was a little shocked. She said he was following her and her friends and then ran up and pushed her down. When asked what happened next, she said he ran off. Our first encounter at school with bullying... great. Luckily she has a great school and the principal was out on the grounds and helped Kimberly to the school nurse and she patched her up great. I asked Kimberly if she cried a lot and she said when it happened, she did. But she said she was very brave though with the nurse and didn't cry at all. I was proud of her but so sad she had to go thru that. Anyone that knows Kimberly knows she can be a bit of a drama queen. I was so glad to hear she was brave and not miss drama. But little miss drama emerged when she told her daddy what happened. All of a sudden, Kimberly couldn't bend her legs and couldn't walk. It was amazing what a queen she can be! Throughout the night, she would forget her injuries but they always came back when asked to do something. haha.

Pretty nasty huh!
This was daddy asking Kimberly to look sad. She was having a good moment right here!
This is drama queen Kimberly after we joked that we would touch her knees. This is the girl we dealt with most of the night.

We are so sad that we are having to deal with school bullies at this young age. We talked to Kimberly about how wrong that boy was and what she could do next time. In reality I wanted to tell her to beat him up next time but I know that doesn't stop the bullying. I hope everyone (esp. parents) will help stop bullies!