January 28, 2015

I never dreamed...

Growing up and playing house, I always wanted to have a little daughter.  I pretended to dress her up in beautiful frilly clothes and we would be the best of friends.  I never dreamed that I would actually have a little girl of my own.

When Kimberly was born, she was the easiest baby ever.  She nursed beautifully the first time and every time.  She didn't cry much and when she did I knew why.  She took to Daycare wonderfully and still loved me every chance she could get.  She became a daddy's girl pretty early but still loved her mama.  I never dreamed that this sweet girl would be the cause of my stress on a daily basis.

I loved buying Kimberly clothes.  I loved dressing her up in the latest craze and coolest clothes.  I loved her in dresses and cute skirts and adorable hoodies.  I never dreamed that she would go through a faze of only wanting to wear sweatpants.  I never dreamed that she would one day not like the clothes I picked out for her.  I never dreamed that I would dread shopping for her for fear she would hate what I found for her.

Brian had hoped Kimberly would have a little sports girl in her.  He wasn't sure sons were in his future so he started her early in watching and playing sports.  I had fun watching him teach her sports and her loving every minute of daddy time, even if she wasn't a fan of playing the sports.  We never dreamed that she would be one of those girls that skipped during a soccer game or duck her head when a ball game her way.  She does love to play with the family, even if it means kicking a soccer ball around or swinging a bat.

I had high hopes that she would love to play the piano.  I wanted her to be able to read music and play amazingly.  I never dreamed that she would have an amazing ear for music and play as good as she does for only playing a couple of years.  I never dreamed she would be asked to play for Primary during their program this year.  I never dreamed she would hate to practice the piano as much as I did as a kid.

Of course this past dancer mom always hoped and prayed for a little girl that would love to dance as much as I did.  I started Kimberly at the age 3 with a tiny dance group to see if she liked it.  I admit she was adorable up on stage and brought tears to my eyes.  Luck be have, she loves dancing as much as I do.  By age 7, she was begging me to put her in a bigger dance company that had shinier costumes and that performed more.  So I put her on a performing team with LaShars and she has just blossomed from there.  She loves dancing more than anything.  One time I did suggest she take a little time off from dancing (too much going on and getting burnt out) and you would have thought I killed her best friend.  Dancing runs through her blood.  She is a natural performer.  She just shines on stage doing what she loves.  I never dreamed she would be performing at such a big level at her age.  I never dreamed we would be scheduling vacations around her performances at Disneyland.

I know girls have hormones and crazy moods.  I was one of them.  I never dreamed the drama of a little girl would start at a young age.  I had always thought those moods started when puberty started.  I never dreamed there was a thing called pre-puberty hormones or mood swings.  I never dreamed I would be dealing with the highest of highs and lowest of lows with my daughter at age 10.  I never dreamed I would have screaming matches with her and lots of tears with her at a young age.  I never dreamed my child would say she wanted to end her life... ever.  She said she didn't mean it, but it still scares me.  Before anyone freaks out, we are working on the pre-puberty hormones and trying to find a lot of love in our house.  We are working on this!  I have to admit... I am scared to dream of the teenage years with her.  I hope we can get things under control.

Kimberly has been a huge blessing in my life.  Life with her might not be the same as I had dreamed, but I will never say I wish she wasn't here.  I love her with all my life, love, and soul.

Bring on more years... I hope I am ready!

January 13, 2015

Bad Mom Moment!

Ok I should clarify that title... I have had many bad mom moments, just this one was a really bad one.

Yesterday morning, Jacob woke up and his eyes were red.  Both eyes and nothing serious.  Of course Pink Eye went through my head but his eyes didn't look like what I knew to be Pink Eye.  Let me explain:

A few years ago I got Pink Eye.  My 1 eye was extremely red and hurt like a bugger.  It felt like there was sand in my eye that would not go out.  Because I wear contacts, sometimes my eyes will irritate or hurt.  When I started my day, my eye bugged but I didn't think much of it.  As the morning went on, my eye hurt worse and got more red.  That was when I wondered about Pink Eye.  After researching online about Pink Eye, I was sure that was what I had.  I loaded up Matthew (he was a toddler at the time) and off to InstaCare we went.  Sure enough, I had a bacterial Pink Eye and it was likely that Matthew would get it too.  So I got some expensive eye drops and a promise that I would take Matthew into his Dr if he started showing signs.  That night we were in his Drs with the same diagnosis.  So that was what Pink Eye was to me.

During the morning I kept after Jacob asking him if his eyes hurt or how he felt.  Nothing hurt and he felt fine and all that was showing was his eyes were slightly red.  Really nothing to stress about I thought.  Preschool time came and I found no need to worry and so I sent Jacob to school.

A couple hours after Preschool, Jacob's little eyes started swelling and he got these big red circles under his eyes.  Still no goopy eyes but his eyes didn't look good.  By dinner time his eyes were just tiny little things because they were so swollen.  But still no goop and they didn't hurt.  That was when I researched Pink Eye again online to find out a Viral Pink Eye could be swollen, red eyes.  Instantly I loaded up Jacob to go to InstaCare to find out.

I still wasn't 100% sure we were dealing with Pink Eye (because not the same symptoms as mine).  I wondered if he was having an allergic reaction to something (even though he never has had any allergies).  Funny thing, at InstaCare Jacob's eyes started gooping up.  Not before then.. just then and there.  Of course he was diagnosed with Viral Pink Eye and given a prescription for eye drops.  I felt horrible!  I couldn't believe I sent him to Preschool!  Oh I felt awful.

I called the hubby and told him we were picking up the eye drops and hoped he didn't mind calling the Preschool teacher to let her know... yes I was passing the buck here!  Only good news out of this was the eye drops didn't break the bank this time... they were only $4.  But if you have ever tried to put eye drops in a 4 year old... ugh!

Hoping for better mom moments!

January 10, 2015

Relaxing Saturday

Saturdays are normally hectic days, just like any other day for us.  Not too often do we get to enjoy a relaxing Saturday. 
We had some things we could have done today but with cold season here and a few of our family members experiencing the effects of cold season, we decided it was a great day to stay home and relax.
Nothing like a day of movie watching, finishing a book, playing dress up, making brownies, playing legos, watching football, and vegging!

Some things I have realized today during our day of relaxing:

1) I am more in love with my husband than I could have ever imagined.  13 1/2 years have passed and I can't get enough of this guy. (Partly because he shaved off the hunting beard today!... No more Duck Dynasty look!)

2) Despite all the fighting, screaming, yelling, biting, and tears, I really do love my children.  They are a lot of fun to be around.  We were blessed by our Heavenly Father with these 3 beauties and I need to always remember that.

3)  We have been blessed with alot but what is important is we have a roof over our heads, food on our table, a lot of love and laughter in our house, and a Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ watching out for us.

4)  Nothing is more important than our family and friends.  We really are blessed.

Even though we have been socked in with fog and haven't seen the sun for a couple of days, today I feel like the sun has been shining down on me.
Happy Day!

January 4, 2015

Primary Fun!

About 7 1/2 years ago, I started my Primary experience.  I have been in Primary ever since (minus the few short months I spent in Relief Society due to high blood pressure and stress during a pregnancy).  I chalk it up to the Lord wanting me to experience all the fun there is in Primary since I was unable to as a child.

I have spent most of my Primary years in different presidencies.  I did love being on that side of it, all the ins and outs of Primary.  For the past 2 years though, I have been a teacher.

I was first called to be a helper teacher for the CTR 6 class.  This was a good size class and most of the kids were in my sons class in school.  That only lasted for 2 weeks.  I was then moved to Sr Primary and the Valiant 9 class.  Half of these kids were my daughter's age so this was going to be a fun class.  I was only with them 2 short months.  I then was needed as the Valiant 8 teacher, my daughter's class.  I lasted the rest of the year with this class and they were a lot of fun.  My favorite part was watching the personalities of these kids and seeing them bloom and grow.

Last year I was needed as a helper teacher for the CTR 4 class.  What a change, but one I was excited for.  I could use time during class for coloring pages and bathroom breaks!  I only lasted as a helper for a few short months and then took over the class on my own after that.  This class wasn't big, only 4 or 5 kids.  They were just at that age where their attention span didn't last but 5 minutes and they didn't know how to sit still.  It didn't take long to teach them how to sit and they taught me how to teach in a fun way.  I really enjoyed this class.  All these kids became my kids by the end of the year.  I worried why they might be missing one Sunday and was so happy to see them when they were there.  I loved their stories about their weeks and I loved their personalities.  I was sad to know it had to end, and they were sad too.

A couple days ago I received a text asking if I would be ok teaching the Valiant 11 class.  This was the class I was able to teach for 2 short months.  I was excited to be with them again, especially in their last year of Primary.  Boy it was hard to get my mindset out of teaching young children though.  I knew I had to adjust to almost teenager mindsets in order to survive.  

Today was our first day together.  Some remember me teaching them before (hey you are the one that brought us lots of candy!).  Class time was fun.  We talked alot (it is fun to have conversation you can understand and they don't jump around on subjects).  I do hope this year continues to be a fun time.  I know these kids will teach me alot and I hope I can do the same for them.

Who knows... when Kim moves to Young Womens next year, the Lord might advance me as well.  We shall see!

January 1, 2015

2014 Peterson Review

2014 Peterson Review

As you can see from my blog, I didn't post anything in 2014.  It honestly was me rebelling.  I just didn't want to have to do it but I know I needed to post things happening in my house.  So I promise to be better this year and post happening from our household.

Here is what happened with each individual in 2014:

Duke: Our cute Dukie spent his year enjoying his backyard.  He loves the room to run and bark at anything and everything that came by it.  He loves when we go play in the backyard, especially with him.  He has had fun playing through the fence with our neighbor dog Lilly (whose family calls Duke Bruiser).  He is our little bear cub because he is as big as one (not really fat... just big).  He enjoys hunting, running in the mountains, and riding in the van.  2015 will bring more loving life for Duke!

Jacob:  2014 came in with Jacob being a little toddler and left with him a full on Preschool kid. Jacob had a big year.  He (FINALLY) figured out how to potty in the toilet, enjoyed his Sunbeam class in church, found a love for 4wheeling and riding his bike, and started Preschool with Teacher Janice. Jacob is a happy fun loving kid and would play every minute of the day if he could.  He also found a love for a particular show called Paw Patrol.  2015 will bring more fun loving days, preschool, and learning how to ride his brand new big boy bike!

Matthew:  Matthew started the year enjoying his 1st Grade year.  He had a blast and learned how to be a better reader and his love for Math.  He also played spring soccer (with his dad coaching), baseball in the summer (loved every minute of it, even on the rainy days), fall soccer (with a Providence team), and found a love for throwing and kicking a football.  Matthew is all about sports! This fall he started 2nd Grade and has realized that he does love school, just not so much the homework.  He has been hunting with his dad a few times and loves it.  So much so he asked Santa for a BB Gun and got it.  Yes we have already been shooting a couple times.  2015 will bring more sports. a big baptism, and just a year of fun for this cute, freckly kid!

Kimberly:  2014 had a lot of highs and a lot of lows for Kim.  I am chalking most of it up to being a tween and starting hormones.  Some of her highs involved Girls Scouts and selling almost 600 boxes of cookies (the most in our troop), Achievement Days, Piano Lessons (loves her teacher and really has an ear for music), and of course LaShars Dance.  Dance is Kimberly's life and it shows.  She is on a performing team with LaShars and performs all year at competitions, football games, basketball games, and at events.  She also loves having friends and even stepped up to being a best friend with a new girl that moved in our ward this year.  Some lows include being bullied, losing friends (everyone has free agency we remind her), fighting with her brothers, having to practice piano, and as always chores (especially cleaning her room).  2015 hopefully will bring more smiles than tears for this girl, her last year of Girl Scouts, her last year of Achievement Days, more Piano, more friends, and lots of dancing.

Brian:  2014 brought most of the same for Brian.  He worked lots of hours (but did get to enjoy the summer this year), he is still a 11 year old scout leader, still loves to ride 4wheelers; go fishing; and go hunting, and has lots of projects to work on here at the house.  2015 will bring much of the same but Brian hopes to enjoy more of his favorite hobbies.

Tammy:  My year went fast.  I spent most of my year doing what I love and that is taking care of my family, visiting with my parents (and helping them with whatever they need), being a good wife, keeping a clean house, volunteering at our elementary school, and being a Girl Scout leader.  Turning 40 this year made me realize that I need to take better care of myself so I started walking this year.  I love taking some time each day to get in a good walk.  Unfortunately I have had some health issues the last 2 months of the year and haven't been able to get out as much but 2015 will change that. 2015 will be the year I get healthy again.  More walking, eating better, and toning will be my biggest goals this year.  Of course I will enjoy every day to the fullest (and I will remind myself on the days that I don't)!

Our family is very excited for our big vacation in 2015.  We are going to San Diego for a few days and then on to Disneyland to watch Kimberly perform with LaShars.

By the end of next year we will have a middle schooler, a cub scout, and a preschooler enjoying his last year before being a Kindergartener.  Wow, much to look forward to!

We will spend 2015 living the Gospel to our fullest with much faith and love for our Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ.  We will pray for many blessings for our family and will do the same for yours.

The Last of 2014 Pics


2014 More Pics