December 31, 2011

2011 Review

Happy New Year's Eve Everyone!  Another year is in the books and we are all looking forward to it.  Just thought I would give an overview of our year... so we remember in the many years to come.

Brian:  2011 brought on a year of work in Singles for Brian.  Singles has been great since there is pretty much work all week long.  Brian also took on a new calling this year in church.  Committee Chairman for cub scouts.  This means that he is over all the cub scout leaders and has to organize pack meeting every month.  Brian is doing great with this calling.  I am proud of him to take on something that he normally isn't comfortable doing.  Hunting and playing baseball has been his outs and as usual, he enjoys both of them.

Tammy:  2011 was the year of the baby for me.  I was the milk machine for Jacob so most of my year was dedicated to that.  I don't mind staying home being mom to my children.  I stay plenty busy with that alone.  But just to stir things up I added a few new titles to my life.  Relief Society teacher was my calling for half of the year.  Not something I would have dreamed of doing but found a love for the discussions every month with the ladies.  In September I took on a new calling... 1st Counselor in the Primary.  Oh how I missed Primary.  I really do love being with the children and learn and help them learn.  This fall I also added student to my title.  I have always wanted to help bring in money since I left the job field but felt so busy and underqualified to do anything about it.  So with some encouragement from the family, I enrolled in school to become a Medical Billing and Claims Specialist.  I enjoy learning more about the medical field and hope to be done in the spring of 2012.  In my spare time (haha) I enjoy reading and playing games.

Kimberly:  2011 has been a fun year for Kimberly.  She has enjoyed being a big sister and helper for her new baby brother.  She also turned 7 this year and is constantly talking about being baptized next year.  Kimberly has a beautiful talent of dancing and she is thriving this year in it.  This fall we put her in a performance dance group and she is just loving every minute of it.  She has already performed a bunch of times and every time, we can see her improving.  I can truely say I see a future of dance for her.  For fun she has been enjoying friends, riding bikes and scooters, and just being a kid.

Matthew:  2011 meant a wild 4 year old for us.  Matthew is such a joy to be around.  He is goofy and funny and loving.  He has been a great big brother and can't wait for the day to wrestle and be silly with Jacob.  Matthew also started preschool online through Upstart in Utah.  It is a government preschool and is great for Matthew.  He spends at least 30 minutes a day online doing school and it caters to his every nutty whim and silliness.  I can see a huge improvement in him.  He loves to learn.  Matthew enjoys playing every sport he can get his hands on.  He also learned how to ride a big bike with training wheels and just loves playing outside every second he can get.

Jacob:  2011 was Jacob's first year on this earth and boy did he grow.  It is hard for me to think he started out the year as a tiny baby and now he is this walking around toddler.  Jacob has been a joy to our family and we love every second with him.  His smile is so big and sweet and now that he is walking... watch out world.  He is a very independent little man and loves to get into anything.  Fun stuff for Jacob would be listening to music and dancing, playing toys with anyone that wants to play, and giving big loves to everyone.

Duke:  2011 was a good year for Duke.  He finally got out of his puppy stage and is really loving a good couch to lay on.  He was a great dog for Jacob and they have bonded like no other.  Duke has been doing more hunting with daddy and goofying with mommy.  He found a love for table food (no thanks to Jacob) and because of it needs to lose a few pounds.  We love our dog Duke!

As a family our big adventure for 2011 was our trip to Disneyland.  What a great time we had and look forward to another trip to the big ears in a few years.

Well that about does it for 2011.  Only a few more hours to go this year before we start a new chapter.  2012 will bring a bunch of fun and interesting things for our family.  Baptism, weddings, 10 year anniversary, kindergarten, girl scouts, dancing, terrible 2s, and many more adventures will come this year.  We have our heads held up high, our faith in our Heavenly Father to guide us, and smiles on our faces.  Bring on a new year... We are ready!

Love to all our friends and family.  Have a great 2012!  Happy New Year!

December 20, 2011

Jacob's first birthday

My sweet little baby is no longer a baby.  He is a big 1 year old.  I can't believe how quick that year went by. I really didn't think I could love another child as much as the first but wow... my love has just grown for each child.  Jacob so loves this siblings and they love him so much.  So much fun at our house.

We love you so much Jacob.  Thank you for joining our family here on earth!

December 5, 2011

Odds and Ends

 Kimberly at her first dance performance with LaShars at Festival of Trees.  She did great and had a lot of fun.  We are so proud of our little dancer.
 The smiles may not be the greatest but at least we got all four children in one spot!
 At Festival of Trees.  What a neat place.
 We got to visit with Santa at the Festival of Trees.  He was a neat Santa.  He took time with each child to see what they wanted.  The wait was long but well worth it.
 Spoiled mutt!  He loves daddy so much.
 Playing dead.  haha
 The lighting isn't the best but I love this picture of the kids.  Shows you how big they are.
Jacob wakes up with bad hair almost every day.  It makes me laugh.

November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

Here are my cute trick-or-treaters!

So this doesn't happen often but Brian dressed up for like 2 minutes. So we snapped some pictures before that wig came off. I wanted to paint his face and let him be KISS but he said nope.

My adorable tiger. He was pretty happy yesterday... could be he just got a dum dum sucker!

Miss Ariel. This might be her last year for a princess so she picked this one. She looks so pretty with make-up on... it scares me. I start seeing visions of her as a teenager and boys!

My scary ghost! His goal was to be scary and it was so funny cause all these houses we know, the ladies acted scared at him and he loved it. I love our neighborhood!

Happy Halloween!

Red ribbon days at school

This wa pj day but the kids were doing a pirate dance too so they changed and got dirty.

80s day - yes i still have a scrunchy!

Crazy hair day!

October 25, 2011

Fall 2011

These are our jack-o-lanterns for 2011. We had a lot of fun carving them. Jacob was really curious why the pumpkins were smiling at him!

One of our favorite fall activities is going to the pumpkin walk. We had a lot of fun this year. Jacob wasn't too thrilled because it was a bit chilly but he sure enjoyed the bus ride and fire pit.

Aren't they cute! Jacob was having a blast putting his head into all the cutouts. Of course my older two enjoy this part of the pumpkin walk the most.

This is our crop of pumpkins. For only 70 cents, we thought we would try planting a pumpkin patch this year in our backyard. We were shocked to see how many pumpkins actually grew! Yes some of them are green but that is due to them hiding under the leaves. Now they are changing into a cool orange color.

We love fall!

September 18, 2011

9 Months Old Already!

Mr. Jacob is now 9 months old. I can't believe the time has flown by so quickly. This time last year I was counting down the days because I was tired of being pregnant. I couldn't wish fall here any faster and this year I am so sad that it is getting closer and closer to him turning 1 years old. As you can see from this picture, he is a mobile kid and learning things every second of the day. Yes he can get around crawling and quickly learned how to get up on his feet and hang on to everything. Now he thinks he is so big and brave because he takes one hand off and moves away like he is going to just take off walking. It hasn't happened yet but I believe it won't be long. He is so much fun though. The kids have fun with him and are learning quickly to pick their things up or Jacob will get them. I definitely have to keep my eye on him because he tends to get into everything. I just can't believe how quickly he can move. One minute he is over at his toys in the living room and the next minute I see his feet slip into the bathroom down the hall to explore. I love him to pieces and can't get enough of him. This is the first child of mine that I actually think looks like me. When Jacob smiles, I can see my baby pictures in him. I really can see my dad in him and my mom says I looked a lot like my dad when I was little. I am so grateful for this little guy!

This is just a funny video of him and his crawling. He was chasing this ball around while using just his head. Matthew is the one laughing in the background.

Fun shots!

Waiting for the Tremonton fair parade. He was super excited even though it was like 100 degrees.

We had fun with curlers one day. I couldn't believe her hair actually held this much curl.

Ready for church one day. Just thought we would snap a couple pictures of me and the kids!

Silly kid! Really that is all I can say about this kid.

Aren't they cute! Kimberly and her pretty attire and Matthew and his mohawk!

August 24, 2011

First day of 2nd grade

Kimberly started the 2nd grade today. She was so excited to start school again. Her teacher's name is Mrs. Wright and she seems really nice. Things she is excited for this year: she gets a desk this year, her classroom has a pet turtle, and her thermos in her lunchbox (so she can have mac and cheese or soup). Kimberly's goal this year... to be the smartest kid in her class. I hope she succeeds!

Big sister vs little brother

I decided to let Kimberly feed Jacob one day. He didn't cooperate very well but they sure had fun.


Tell me they didn't come from the same gene pool!

More fun pictures from summer