January 25, 2013

4th week of pictures - Something White

This week's picture theme is something white.  My first thought was snow because that is what our world looks like right now.  It was also the same thought of my husband and childrens.  But snow is only white to me when the first snowfall hits.  Snow in January (no matter how new it is) is always brown and dirty.  So I had to think of something else.
While looking around my house, these beautiful handmade things came to mind.  My mother-in-law makes these for every couple and every grandchild.  So we have 4 and they are all unique.  I think they are awesome and wish I had her skills.
The second thing that came to mind was my daughter's baptism dress.  This was our big deal thing last year and this dress was her absolute favorite.  It fits her perfectly: dainty, lacy, sparkly, and poofy.
So there you have it.  Something white.
Next week is bathtime.  Should be fun... as long as I don't get any flashers in my photos (and they always try!)

January 18, 2013

3rd Week of Pictures- Nightly Routine

Our nightly routine is usually the same: scriptures, prayers, reading, and bed.  I can't say we have always been good about our scripture study.  It wasn't until we moved in this house that we established a good routine on reading our scriptures every night.  And every night is different from before.  Sometimes 1 of us reads, sometimes all of us read.  Even Jacob started getting into reading scriptures (see below).  Prayer sometimes can be eventful, especially with a 2 year old.  One day he will sit quietly and listen to prayer.  haha.  Reading is always a favorite at our house.  Most of the time daddy reads to the boys and the girls read in mom and dad's bed.  Once in awhile we change it up and that is a fun treat.  I wish our nightly routine went smoothly every night but I guess that is what these fun years are all about.  I do know we feel love in our house.
On to the next adventure week!

January 11, 2013

2nd Week of Pictures - Family Room

This week's subject for pictures is Family Room.  Now my first reaction wasn't a good one.  I am not happy with my family room and want to change a lot of things (carpet is needed, new entertainment center, cute storage for games and blankets, etc).  I just couldn't imagine what I wanted to take a picture of in my family room.  Then it dawned on me... it really isn't the room... it is what takes place in the room.  So here is what I came up with:
My children love to play games and right now the game of choice is Trouble.  Even Jacob can get into this game.
We have a goal.  We are going to put together all our puzzles before summer so we can sell them all at our yard sale.  Here we are working on a hard one.
And lastly.. my Duke.  He is an outside dog that would secretly love to be an inside dog.  So when we are downstairs enjoying time in the family room, this is his favorite spot to hang out.  As you can see, he makes himself right at home and most times we can hear him snoring.


January 1, 2013

52 weeks of pictures

My friend Nicole (a photographer) put out a 52 week challenge of taking pictures each week.  She even came up with a theme for each week.  I thought I would take on the challenge because I want to become a better photographer and blogger.  So this first week's theme is 52 steps from your front door.  Here is what I saw:

I decided I really love the look of all these trees with all the snow on them.  But 52 steps also gave me a great view of our house.  I am excited to take on this challenge.  Thanks Nicole for helping me be my better self.
Here is a link to her website:


Our wild New Year's Eve 2012

Our wild Peterson New Year's Eve night.  haha.  We get a few party favors and drink some sparkling cider and stay up to watch the ball drop in New York.  Yes we are party animals!
 This was after the bubbly (sparkling cider).  The kids were pretty happy and into the noise makers.
 As you can see, Jacob is without a noise maker.  He started not liking the noise and refused to have one.
 Kimberly with her new reading glasses.
 Matthew being a goofy kid like always.
 Jacob and his new haircut.  Yes mother, I butched him.  He is so silly and cute though.
 I promise we don't drink but you wouldn't have guessed it with this picture.  haha.  Sometimes I can catch Brian in some crazy looks.
 Here he is looking more like himself.
Wasn't that sweet of my hubby to snap one of me.

Happy New Year!