January 18, 2013

3rd Week of Pictures- Nightly Routine

Our nightly routine is usually the same: scriptures, prayers, reading, and bed.  I can't say we have always been good about our scripture study.  It wasn't until we moved in this house that we established a good routine on reading our scriptures every night.  And every night is different from before.  Sometimes 1 of us reads, sometimes all of us read.  Even Jacob started getting into reading scriptures (see below).  Prayer sometimes can be eventful, especially with a 2 year old.  One day he will sit quietly and listen to prayer.  haha.  Reading is always a favorite at our house.  Most of the time daddy reads to the boys and the girls read in mom and dad's bed.  Once in awhile we change it up and that is a fun treat.  I wish our nightly routine went smoothly every night but I guess that is what these fun years are all about.  I do know we feel love in our house.
On to the next adventure week!

1 comment:

  1. What a great routine. We too have struggled with keeping scripture reading part of our routine sometime during the day depending on everyone's schedule.
