September 22, 2010

Matthew's first soccer year

Matthew had his first soccer game last night. This was him after we got him dressed in his soccer gear. He was so excited. So excited that he grabbed his baseball mitt and ball and started playing. Wrong sport sweety. haha.
This was after we got there and got his team color shirt. GREEN! Matthew's favorite color. How perfect is this.
The warm up run. This was about the only warmup that Matthew would do. Brian was already on the edge of his seat by this time cause he didn't really want to do any other warm up.
Listening to coach about soccer. Matthew was still in good spirits here. The kids are all 3 and 4 year olds and so Matthew looks small but he isn't too small compared to others. After this talk they got to shoot goals and Matthew loved that part. He was eager to kick the ball in the goal.
Right after the goal shooting, they started the game. Now if you have never seen indoor soccer at this age, they just let the kids kick the ball and try to get it in the goal. There is no goalie and the kids are all over the place. Well Matthew got to start the game by kicking the ball first and then he was shocked that kids started running around. We told him to run after the ball and kick it and he did. The only thing he wasn't planning on was all these kids pushing and tripping and being mean trying to get the ball. After a couple times of trying to get the ball, Matthew decided he had to go potty. Brian took him and they ran back and Matthew got back into the game... for a minute. After more pushing Matthew was back with tears in his eyes and needing to go potty again. I wasn't sure if he needed to or not or if he was just nervous but Brian took him anyway. When they came back, Matthew had tears and didn't want to go back out to play. It was heartbreaking. He kept telling us that he was tired and wanted to go home. Luckily the game was done after that and Matthew got a treat (with the help from Kimberly walking him out to get his treat).
When we got in the car to go home, I asked Matthew if he had fun and he gave a definite NO. Poor thing. We have 4 weeks of this 2 times a week and we are going to go every day. Hopefully by the time soccer is done, Matthew will be back out there to play and enjoy every minute of it. He is a great soccer player and I know he would love it if he keeps trying. What is that saying... make kids try things 10 times to get them to like it. Well hopefully that will work with soccer.
Wish us luck!

Little Grizz Cheerleader

Here is my LIttle Grizz Cheerleader! Kimberly's cousin Stephanie is a cheerleader for Logan High and got Kimberly to do the day camp and be a little grizz. Kimberly had a ball. She got to perform at halftime at the next football game and despite the cold, she had a blast. She now wants to be a cheerleader but is still a little scared of being a "flyer". Her cousin is a flyer (the person on top of stunts) and Kimberly is scared of heights. I told her she could just be a dancer and not a cheerleader (like I was) but she isn't sure.
She sure was cute though.

September 15, 2010

My Brave Girl!

I have to share this story about Kimberly. She is a sweet princess in our house and she is also a major drama queen. If she gets the tiniest bump or bruise, it is the end of the world to her. Matthew has found he can make her cry and loves it.

Knowing this about Kimberly will make you realize how brave she was yesterday. Yesterday she had to go to the dentist for her first filling. I was worried how she would be since I am a big baby in the dentist chair. We have been speaking very positive about this experience for a long time but I still wasn't sure how she would be. I let her take her favorite stuffed animal Heart for comfort.

That morning she had many questions that were funny. She thought the drill the dentist used was like daddy's big "L" shaped drill. She thought she couldn't eat for days because of the numbness. And many others like it.

Well we got there and they showed her the tools that they would use (all except the big numbing needle). I didn't really know how they numb a child but it was the same way they numb an adult. Kimmy was fine during the shot and she didn't even act scared. I asked her if she was ok and she said yup. They did use a little laughing gas on her at first but since she did so great during the numbing shot, they changed her to oxygen for the rest of the time. She felt fine and was enjoying the numbing feeling of her mouth. During the quick filling (and I mean quick), she didn't even flinch once. I was watching her hands on her stuffed animal and they never once grabbed it in pain. When they were done, they told her how great she did. I was just shocked. She was all smiles when they got done and said it didn't hurt or anything. She never once was scared or cried. I couldn't believe this was my daughter. In fact, I was so proud of her that I started crying and couldn't stop. (hormones or allergies or something... haha)

Kimberly has to have another filling next month and she was fine with that. In fact, she told me how easy it was that I didn't have to come with her. Oh she is so grown up!