October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

Happy Halloween! We sure have had a fun Halloween this year. We have been extremely busy. Kimberly had a Halloween parade and party at her school. Matthew and I went and helped with the party in her classroom. We had lots of fun. Then on Halloween day we started our day at the Mall for their trick-or-treat, had lunch at Texas Roadhouse with Grammie and Grampie, then we trick-or-treated at Lee's grocery store (they had a fun spook house that Kimberly would not go thru), and then it was around the neighborhood trick-or-treating. Lots of fun this year.
Here are our 5 pumpkins. Duke's, Brian's, mine, Kimberly's, and Matthew's.
They were pretty cute this year.

This was a couple days before Halloween. We got a couple of inches but we were dying to try out our new toy. This is going to be a fun winter!

This was during Kimberly's Halloween parade at school. That day we just sprayed her hair black. That stuff was a pain in the bum. We had black everywhere. ugh!

Matthew was a golfer this year (little lewie). Tell me he isn't the cutest!

Kimberly was Snow White this year. We used a black wig for Halloween day and it was much better than that black hairspray. It did itch but it was nice to be able to just take it off when we were done.
Happy Halloween everyone!

October 24, 2009

Fun Pictures

Every year North Logan has a pumpkin walk where they have great pumpkin creations. This years theme was commercials and they had some really cute creations. The kids really liked the cutouts where they could stick their head through pictures. I even got in the action as Harry Potter. Lots of fun.

October 20, 2009


At the first of October, Kimberly and I attended a Relief Society Mother/Daughter night at the church. It was a lot of fun and they had many things to do. You could make bracelets, make hair accessories, frost cookies, and paint nails. It was a lot of fun and Kimberly had a blast. Her favorite part of the entire night was making her own hair clip. My neighbor Amy was in charge and showed me all the ones she made. She said it was really easy. I am not that crafty so I had my doubts but I ended up making a cute hair clip. Kimberly was so excited so she insisted we go out and get the stuff to make more. So we did and I finally got around to making some today. I had an hour and hoped I could get at least one done before she got home from school. Well in that hour I made these 4 hair clips. They were so easy and Kimberly loved them. So I had to show off how crafty I can be! haha

The only thing is Kimberly is wanting more. haha. Oh if I could just find the time to make more. Maybe I will be able to do 4 every day until we have used up all our flowers and buttons.

Lots of fun

October 16, 2009

Fall Soccer

Another season of soccer has come and gone. (not too sad about it) Kimberly decided she really wanted to play again this year even though she didn't really like it last year. So we let her play this year and she did improve from last year. No holding hands with other girls and skipping but Kimberly is just not a soccer player. She is too nice and not aggressive enough. Quite a few times she had the ball come to her and she would just let it go past or not try to get it. My favorite moment was when it was two boys on the other team and her by the ball. We told her to kick it away from them and she gave us the look that said, why... they have the ball so I shouldn't take it from them. haha. Brian and I came to the conclusion that she will be a great dancer/cheerleader but not a sports girl. So next year we will let Matthew play soccer and she can attend cheer camps and what not.

Matthew loved to be on the field with sissy. This was before the game started so he could run around.

This is Matthew's after game ritual. He loves to run around.

In the middle of game... at least she is running toward the ball but as you can see her attention is elsewhere.

Kimberly's team the Cosmos. Her friend Dallin is by her in the black/white pants. We think most of her team were 6 year olds because Kimberly and Dallin were quite small compared to the other kids.

All in fun.