January 4, 2015

Primary Fun!

About 7 1/2 years ago, I started my Primary experience.  I have been in Primary ever since (minus the few short months I spent in Relief Society due to high blood pressure and stress during a pregnancy).  I chalk it up to the Lord wanting me to experience all the fun there is in Primary since I was unable to as a child.

I have spent most of my Primary years in different presidencies.  I did love being on that side of it, all the ins and outs of Primary.  For the past 2 years though, I have been a teacher.

I was first called to be a helper teacher for the CTR 6 class.  This was a good size class and most of the kids were in my sons class in school.  That only lasted for 2 weeks.  I was then moved to Sr Primary and the Valiant 9 class.  Half of these kids were my daughter's age so this was going to be a fun class.  I was only with them 2 short months.  I then was needed as the Valiant 8 teacher, my daughter's class.  I lasted the rest of the year with this class and they were a lot of fun.  My favorite part was watching the personalities of these kids and seeing them bloom and grow.

Last year I was needed as a helper teacher for the CTR 4 class.  What a change, but one I was excited for.  I could use time during class for coloring pages and bathroom breaks!  I only lasted as a helper for a few short months and then took over the class on my own after that.  This class wasn't big, only 4 or 5 kids.  They were just at that age where their attention span didn't last but 5 minutes and they didn't know how to sit still.  It didn't take long to teach them how to sit and they taught me how to teach in a fun way.  I really enjoyed this class.  All these kids became my kids by the end of the year.  I worried why they might be missing one Sunday and was so happy to see them when they were there.  I loved their stories about their weeks and I loved their personalities.  I was sad to know it had to end, and they were sad too.

A couple days ago I received a text asking if I would be ok teaching the Valiant 11 class.  This was the class I was able to teach for 2 short months.  I was excited to be with them again, especially in their last year of Primary.  Boy it was hard to get my mindset out of teaching young children though.  I knew I had to adjust to almost teenager mindsets in order to survive.  

Today was our first day together.  Some remember me teaching them before (hey you are the one that brought us lots of candy!).  Class time was fun.  We talked alot (it is fun to have conversation you can understand and they don't jump around on subjects).  I do hope this year continues to be a fun time.  I know these kids will teach me alot and I hope I can do the same for them.

Who knows... when Kim moves to Young Womens next year, the Lord might advance me as well.  We shall see!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, good for you! I love Primary! What a fun place to be. I think Primary teachers are the most important folks in the ward...loving those little ones and helping them feel God's love is so valuable! And you have the opportunity to help them transition to the teenager experience. They are so blessed to have you as their teacher! You will do an awesome job!
