January 28, 2015

I never dreamed...

Growing up and playing house, I always wanted to have a little daughter.  I pretended to dress her up in beautiful frilly clothes and we would be the best of friends.  I never dreamed that I would actually have a little girl of my own.

When Kimberly was born, she was the easiest baby ever.  She nursed beautifully the first time and every time.  She didn't cry much and when she did I knew why.  She took to Daycare wonderfully and still loved me every chance she could get.  She became a daddy's girl pretty early but still loved her mama.  I never dreamed that this sweet girl would be the cause of my stress on a daily basis.

I loved buying Kimberly clothes.  I loved dressing her up in the latest craze and coolest clothes.  I loved her in dresses and cute skirts and adorable hoodies.  I never dreamed that she would go through a faze of only wanting to wear sweatpants.  I never dreamed that she would one day not like the clothes I picked out for her.  I never dreamed that I would dread shopping for her for fear she would hate what I found for her.

Brian had hoped Kimberly would have a little sports girl in her.  He wasn't sure sons were in his future so he started her early in watching and playing sports.  I had fun watching him teach her sports and her loving every minute of daddy time, even if she wasn't a fan of playing the sports.  We never dreamed that she would be one of those girls that skipped during a soccer game or duck her head when a ball game her way.  She does love to play with the family, even if it means kicking a soccer ball around or swinging a bat.

I had high hopes that she would love to play the piano.  I wanted her to be able to read music and play amazingly.  I never dreamed that she would have an amazing ear for music and play as good as she does for only playing a couple of years.  I never dreamed she would be asked to play for Primary during their program this year.  I never dreamed she would hate to practice the piano as much as I did as a kid.

Of course this past dancer mom always hoped and prayed for a little girl that would love to dance as much as I did.  I started Kimberly at the age 3 with a tiny dance group to see if she liked it.  I admit she was adorable up on stage and brought tears to my eyes.  Luck be have, she loves dancing as much as I do.  By age 7, she was begging me to put her in a bigger dance company that had shinier costumes and that performed more.  So I put her on a performing team with LaShars and she has just blossomed from there.  She loves dancing more than anything.  One time I did suggest she take a little time off from dancing (too much going on and getting burnt out) and you would have thought I killed her best friend.  Dancing runs through her blood.  She is a natural performer.  She just shines on stage doing what she loves.  I never dreamed she would be performing at such a big level at her age.  I never dreamed we would be scheduling vacations around her performances at Disneyland.

I know girls have hormones and crazy moods.  I was one of them.  I never dreamed the drama of a little girl would start at a young age.  I had always thought those moods started when puberty started.  I never dreamed there was a thing called pre-puberty hormones or mood swings.  I never dreamed I would be dealing with the highest of highs and lowest of lows with my daughter at age 10.  I never dreamed I would have screaming matches with her and lots of tears with her at a young age.  I never dreamed my child would say she wanted to end her life... ever.  She said she didn't mean it, but it still scares me.  Before anyone freaks out, we are working on the pre-puberty hormones and trying to find a lot of love in our house.  We are working on this!  I have to admit... I am scared to dream of the teenage years with her.  I hope we can get things under control.

Kimberly has been a huge blessing in my life.  Life with her might not be the same as I had dreamed, but I will never say I wish she wasn't here.  I love her with all my life, love, and soul.

Bring on more years... I hope I am ready!

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