October 19, 2013

41st Week of Pictures - Kitchen

This week in pictures is about the Kitchen.  One of my favorite rooms in the house yet many projects need to be done in this room.  First off are the cupboards.  I am in need to stain these cupboards darker and add handles.  Second I need to get rid of the blue countertops.  Ugh!  One day my dreams will come true.

But out of everything in my kitchen, my favorite thing would be my Kitchen Aid!  Love this machine!  It makes me happy happy happy.

40th Week of Pictures - Bad Habits

We all hate to admit bad habits but we all have them.  This is one of my worst... chewing the skin around my nails.  I am awful about this.  You can tell when I am stressing alot because my fingers will look awful.

2013 Halloween Pumpkins

Here are our pumpkins for this year.  Home grown!

Order of pumpkins:  Mom, Jacob, Matthew, Kimberly, Dad, & Duke

Fall Soccer

Well fall soccer has come and gone for another year.  I have to say I really enjoyed fall soccer.  Could be that the weather was much better than spring soccer!  Could be that Matthew played with older kids!  Could be that they played positions and had a goalie!  Could be that they worked with a special coach that taught them great skills! 
All in all it was a fun season and yes Matthew did score a goal!

He is #10

Happy October

October 2, 2013

I can't believe it has been 1 year!

I am so amazed that today marks 1 year that we have been in our house.  Where did that year go to?  Seriously.  I can actually say that I have everything unpacked.  Now is everything exactly where I want it to go... nope.  I still have many projects to work on and that excites me.

We can say that everyone has experienced a birthday in our house and we have seen every season in our house.  As for birthdays, we have a much bigger house to decorate and I love it.  I have always been someone who loves every season and I can't say I have a favorite.  Well after spending 1 year in my house and with my beautiful view, I still can't say I have a favorite season.  I love them all and am so blessed to have an amazing view of them.

We have had some firsts in our house.  We had our first winter in our house with a basement.  With the house I grew up in, the basement was freezing in the winter.  We didn't spend much time down there because it was cold.  I had that same fear for this house, especially since my boys would be sleeping down there.  But just the opposite happened.  Our basement is almost warmer than our upstairs in the winter.  It is nice and comfortable.  Very pleased with that.

We also got to use our snowplow a lot more for our own house.  We now understand why we were pushed to buy a snowplow for our 4 wheeler.  We would be hurting if we didn't have that plow.

We had our first summer in our house without A/C.  In our last house we were lucky to have A/C but this house was not so lucky.  We knew that we would be hot but we never expected it to be one of the hottest summers on record.  Wow we sweated a lot.  So this fall/winter, we are purchasing an A/C.  We are going to be in this house for many years and it would be a great investment.

We also experienced irrigation.  When we moved in irrigation had just ended so we had all winter to ponder how and when and what irrigation would be about.  I can honestly say that we did a great job keeping our yard from burning up with the help of irrigation.  I am proud of us.  I had to do most of the summer myself because our irrigation times happened during brian's work or sleep schedule.  I absolutely hate watering in the night.  I just am not a night person.  It scares me terribly.  But when you have free water, use it!  So I put on my big girl panties and got it done.  I can tell you I have visions of much easier ways to use this irrigation water and I do hope in the future we can do them.  But for now... I love the free water.  One of my favorite things that came out of irrigation... there are not too many 2 year olds that can say irrigation and understand it.  I loved watching Jacob try to make his own irrigation pipes to move water around.  Super cute.

I love our house.  I am so grateful for this house and where we live.  We have amazing neighbors, a loving ward, a great school, and so much more.  We thank our Heavenly Father every day for all these amazing blessings.

So happy!

Fishing fun

We sure have had some fishing fun.  We haven't gone much but I think the bug has caught on for my kids.  They are asking all the time to go.  I know that my Grandpas are up in heaven smiling down at the joy my kids are having doing something they both absolutely loved.

39th Week of Pictures - Eyes

Eyes are the theme for week 39.  I love eyes.  I think they are one of the best features on a person.  Of course I think I have some of the most beautiful eyes in my family. (Minus the messy faces and hair)

Love these beautiful eyes!