July 27, 2009


Some of the happenings in the past week are as follows:
Matthew got a nice black eye. He was bouncing on the couch and the couch bounced him too hard; off to smack the coffee table. It actually got worse the next couple of days after this picture was taken but he is doing good now.
Kimberly lost her first tooth. She was so excited that she had a loose tooth and then the next day she pulled it out. We found her one tooth next to the missing one is also loose. She doesn't dare pull it now. Even though the first one didn't hurt, she still doesn't want to pull it.
For Pioneer Day, we had a breakfast and kid parade at the church. The parade consist of children dressing up their bikes anyway they want and ride around the church. Our children went with the red, white, and blue theme.
Kimmy's on a kick right now that she doesn't want to ride her bike. She only wants to ride her scooter.
We gave the kids some tootsie rolls to throw to the parents watching. They enjoyed throwing the candy.
We took Matthew's 2 year old pictures this week. He was so cute taking them. At first he just scowled at the picture taker. Finally I got him to open up and then we got some really cute pictures.

Here are my two cuties!
Blessings to all until next post :-)

July 22, 2009


One year ago today, we purchased a handsome puppy that we named Duke Peterson. We had been looking for a dog for a couple weeks after the passing of our old dog Abby and we were not having much luck. We wanted a girl just like our Abby. Well we found an ad on KSL.com that had a litter of puppies and they had a pretty girl. Well we hummed and hawed a couple days and when we decided to get her, my hubby called the lady and she said she just sold the girl. We were disappointed but the lady did say she had some boy puppies that were "discounted." So we decided a boy puppy wouldn't be bad so we went out to see them. We got out of the truck and here comes this handsome puppy on a dead run to us. We fell in love instantly. On the way home, he sat in my lap and was so sweet. My hubby named him Duke on the way home and that was that.

Duke was your typical puppy. He cried a lot at first, wanted to stay in my bed at night while Brian worked, ate a lot, and loved the kids. I know Kimberly and Matthew fell madly in love with Duke from the first kiss. With love from Brian (and a little force), Duke became an outside dog that loved coming in during the day. And boy did he grow fast. I couldn't believe how quickly he grew. But he was still a puppy. He loved taking the kids' toys and eat everything in sight.

A year later, not much has changed. He still sleeps outside but loves coming into the house. He still eats a lot and still loves to take the kids' toys. He gets in trouble a lot but he is so lovable. My favorite thing is watching him jump into Brian's lap and give him loves. haha.

We are so grateful for our Duke and what he has brought into our lives.

Much loves Dukey!

July 7, 2009

First ever swimming lessons

Kimberly started swimming lessons this week. She is the cutie in the pink swimming suit with the braids in her hair. This was a pretty brave thing for Kimmy... she is not a water fan. By age 2, she finally realized that baths were fun and she could play around in the water. Up until then though, she would cry during baths and would only stand. It was just in the past year that she started liking showers. The first thing her teacher asked her to do was to dunk her whole body in the water. Kimmy did and then she wasn't too fond of doing that again. But if she told Hailey no on something, Hailey would talk to her nicely and convince her to do what she asked. By the end, Kimmy wasn't telling her no anymore and she loved swimming lessons. The only thing she wasn't fond of was how cold the water was. haha.

Kimberly listening to her swim teacher Hailey.
Matthew watching his sissy swim and enjoying it.
Tell me she doesn't look terrified.
Starting to trust her teach when she says she can float.
Splashing the teacher in the face.
Learning how to kick her legs.
Realizing swim class is pretty fun.
Look at Kimmy's eyes... she is listening to her teacher pretty closely.

Okay now Matthew is not watching Kimmy and is not waiting so patiently. He is bored.
This was near the end of the class and Kimmy was getting braver.

We were so proud of her for even trying and when we headed to the truck, she was telling us how excited she was for the next day and swimming lessons. We are glad she is learning and maybe next year we can throw Matthew in the pool for some lessons. He is a lot braver than Kimberly.
Blessings to all until next post. :-)

Happy 4th of July America

We had a fun 4th of July weekend. We headed to Soda on the 3rd to stay the night and visit with family. We got some fireworks (for my kids age: snakes, sparklers, and snaps) and just played around the first day. Then on the 4th, we went and watched the parade and got a ton of candy. The kids had fun playing at the park with all the activities. Then we went back to my parents house to play in the sandbox and water. It was a nice day and not too hot. Then that afternoon we headed back home to visit with daddy. Brian had to work all weekend so when we got home, we got to do more fireworks until daddy had to run to work. Then the kids stayed up till 10:35 p.m. (late for them) and watched the neighborhood fireworks. They both loved them. Now they can't wait till the 24th to do more fireworks.

Those were pictures of the kids at my parents house doing snappers. Kimmy decided they were too loud so she is covering her ears in the picture.

Not five minutes after we came in from doing fireworks, the clouds opened up and down came the rain and hail. It was insane. In just a couple of minutes, my parents street was flooded and hail was piling up like snow. My parents were a little worried about their new truck they just purchased but the hail was pretty soft and nothing was damaged.

Waiting for the parade to start.Still waiting... Grampie has our sack ready to fill with candy.Waving to Randy in the parade.
Loud fire trucks make for not so happy kids.Kimmy was having fun beating Kelsey and Rae Ann for candy. hahaMatthew was not too fond of the loud noises so he wanted Grammie for most of the parade.A break in the parade let me take a picture of Kimmy.I tried to sneak a picture of Matthew and me but this was the best I could do.
Grammie and Grampie trying to get Matthew to like the parade.
The crowd of people enjoying the parade.
Grampie and Matthew enjoying the end of the parade.
Playing in the sprinklers.
Matthew was having fun getting wet... just as much as Kimberly.
Matthew loves the sand.
Happy 4th of July America!

Bee sting

In less than a week, Matthew and I got stung by wasps. Mine was in the backyard while walking around. I guess I about stepped on the little bugger so he zapped me to pay me back. My foot was pretty swollen and itchy for a week. Matthew's happened in the front yard by the front door. He was trying to come in the house (it takes him a bit to open the door) and while he was there, a wasp zapped him on the knuckle. He screamed so loud. At first I thought he might have got his fingers in the door but Brian ran over and saw the wasp on the ground and knew that is what had happened. Here is a picture of Matthew's little hands:As you can see, his left hand is swollen. He didn't cry long and the swelling hasn't bothered him. But when you mention his hand, he goes to the front door and points where it happened and yells BAD BEE. haha.