November 10, 2009

The dreaded Swine Flu

Well the dreaded swine flu hit our house and unfortunately it hit the mom. It isn't good when mom gets sick. Daddy does all he can and did a great job but he just isn't mom. So a week ago Monday, I started coming down with something. I figured a little flu bug but that was all. I had the chills and aches that come with the flu. By the afternoon I had a fever. That night I started feeling better but when I woke up the next day, nothing had changed. I went thru the day feeling like crap even though I was really trying to feel better. That night Brian went to work and I thought I would be okay. Boy I was wrong. I started throwing up around 9:30 p.m. and couldn't stop. At 12:30, I tried to called Brian at work cause I knew something was seriously wrong. I couldn't even keep down a sip of water without puking my guts out. It took me until 1 a.m. to get a hold of Brian and luckily for me, he was just getting ready to head home. I told him I wasn't feeling well and would like to go to the hospital. Brian got a hold of his brother, who only lives a few blocks away, and Todd come over to stay with the children while we went to the hospital. We got there and they asked a few questions but then let me know I had the swine flu. For some reason, that never crossed my mind that I might have the swine flu. So I spent the next 3 hours in the hospital bed while 2 L of fluid ran thru me to get me hydrated again. Then they sent us home with strict instructions that I had to be in my room with no visitors for the next 48 hrs. That was probably the hardest part. My poor children weren't very happy they couldn't come see mommy. So the first day I slept a lot and tried to feel better. That night my fever broke for good which was nice. By the second day, I hated my room. I was so tired of seeing it and sitting in the bed. So Brian brought in a chair for me to sit on and I got the computer to play with. That helped. The hardest part was the children. That day the kids had a really hard time with the fact they couldn't see mommy. I had to listen to Matthew be upset all day. That tore me up. But the next day I could come out and see the world again. The only thing was I wasn't allowed to go out of the house for a couple more days. But at least I could hold my children again. I was no longer contagious. I wish I could say I was feeling great but I wasn't. I didn't have a lot of strength and was trying really hard to feel better.

Here it is... a week later and I am finally starting to feel up to par. After I got over the swine flu, I ended up with a nasty sinus infection. My dr gave me some heavy duty drugs and so I am getting over that one now. I wish my taste buds would come back though. Food still doesn't taste good. Oh well.

After what I went through, Brian and I decided to let Kimberly have the swine flu shot at school this week. We were hestitate until my illness. We don't want the kids to go thru that.

Hopefully we are over the sickness for a long time.


  1. Wow, I'm so sorry you were so sick! Crazy! I'm glad that you are feeling better and I hope that this is the end of illness for your family! Good Luck!

  2. Going to the hospital, that is crazy! I am so sorry. Hope you are feeling better.
