May 27, 2010

May Happenings

I can't believe May is almost done. It has flown by. We have been busy this month. I wish I could say we have been enjoying the beautiful weather but I think we had only 2 days so far that were just beautiful. The rest of the month has been pretty wet and miserable. We even got down into the 30s for a few days and it felt like March. When will summer arrive?

Our big news of the month is the new bundle of joy we will be having this year. Brian and I went to the dr in our 10th week and we had a great appt. The baby looked so cute and we could see his or her heartbeat. I swear when Kimmy was in my tummy she looked like a kidney bean on the ultrasound but technology has changed and we were able to see this little person inside of me. We could see the little nubby arms and legs that are growing. My favorite part (besides only seeing one baby) was seeing the heart beating and pretty fast. Love that sight. That night we sat down the kids and told them the good news. Kimmy took 15 seconds to take in the news and then she got really excited. Matthew followed her example and got really excited but I don't think he understood. But later while we were discussing the baby, Matthew grabbed my shirt and looked down it. I asked him what he was doing and he told me he was looking for the baby. haha. I thought that was cute. I explained to him the baby was in my tummy and so now he asks me if my tummy hurts cause of the baby. He has asked me if the baby is in my bum and then he laughs hard. He is silly. But our bundle is new Dec. 21. Since I am having another C-section, I am planning on scheduling the baby a week before Christmas so I will be home for the holiday. I have already told Brian we are having Christmas done by October. He agrees.

The other big news is school is almost done for Kimberly. Her Kindergarten year went by fast and I am amazed at how she has grown. Last night we were invited to an award night and Kimberly got Top Reader in her class. We are so proud of her. She loves school and can't wait to be in 1st grade next year. I am still trying to wrap my brain around that fact. My little girl will be gone to school all day and even be eating lunch there. What am I going to do with her little brother? haha. He worships sissy and enjoys every minute with her (yes they fight but then they are playing two seconds later). We will just have to enjoy our summer and deal with that when the time comes.

Brian hopefully will start softball soon. It has been raining so much that we can never play. Brian is changing jobs at work. He accepted a position in singles (think Kraft singles cheese) on nights. Same pay as before but we at least will know his work schedule 2 weeks in advance, better than 2 days before. Good deal all around. The only big change for us is that he will work from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. That means I get to sleep in till 7 a.m. instead of 6 a.m. I think I can handle that. :-)

Hopefully summer will come soon so we can play outdoors all day long and enjoy the warm weather.

Blessings to all till next post.

May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!

I love mother's day. Not only because I am a mother but because we celebrate all mothers. I love my mother and all she does for me. I am a little sad this year because I can't be with my mom on mother's day. She is in Texas seeing her mother's gravesite and cleaning out her house. I should feel lucky though because some of my friends never get to see their mother's on mother's day. I love my mother-in-law. She is the sweetest lady and my 2nd favorite mom on this earth. I do get to see her on mother's day and that will be nice. I love my grandmother and called her to wish her a happy mother's day. She will be 80 years old in a week and we are glad she is still here on this earth.

I am blessed to be a mother. I have 2 beautiful children and a puppy (yes I am mommy to the puppy). My hubby spoils me as a mother. This morning before church my family let me open some presents. The children gave me the most appropriate card. You open it up and two bunnies start screaming mom in a bunch of different ways and it sounded like my children perfectly. Still makes me laugh. Of course my husband gives me a card that makes me cry. He is so sweet that way. Then I opened the present I had asked for... a book. Then my children gave me a gift they thought I would love... a snuggie. As cold as it has been, it was perfect. Then my hubby came in from the garage with my last present... a hammock. I am so excited for this hammock. I really don't have a place out in the backyard to hang out while the children play so this will be perfect. My grandfather had one at his house while I was growing up and I enjoyed the relaxation of it so I can't wait for my hammock and the warm weather.

Church was great. I enjoy being a mom at church and being in the Primary. The Primary kids (and me) sing a mother's day song to all in Sacrament. Then we get a gift and this year it was something I was craving... chocolate and starburst. Love it!

I hope all my friends and family enjoy this mother's day. I know I am enjoying every minute of it.

Happy Mother's Day!