March 15, 2009

Saturday of Fun

Oh what a glorious Saturday. We finally left the cold valley and ventured to Salt Lake for a day of fun. When we got down there, it was already nice and warmer than Logan. Oh that was a good feeling. Brian dropped Kimberly and I off at the Energy Solutions Arena for Disney on Ice while they went to watch his nephew Douglas play soccer.

Kimberly and I had a great time at Disney on Ice. We wandered around to see all the neat stuff to buy.. luckily I talked her into a coloring book that only cost $5. Then we had to have some snacks before we took our seats. We had great seats and enjoyed the show. Kimberly loves each and every Disney show and this didn't disappoint. The only annoying part was the group of young adults that sat behind us making fun of the show and using bad language as they discuss their nightly adventures.

Brian and Matthew had fun watching Douglas play soccer. Brian said he was a lot of fun to watch and like always, Douglas was so excited to see one of his favorite uncles there to watch him play. Matthew had fun in the sun playing soccer and running around the park.

After the soccer game, Brian and Matthew headed to the Sportsman Expo. They had to park a long ways away and take a shuttle bus. They looked at a few things and had a hot dog before Kimberly and I got there. Kimberly and I took the Trax train from ESA to Sandy and she had a ball riding the train. She did tell me that the train needed some seatbelts. haha.

When we finally met up at the Expo, we had a fun time. We met some of the Channel 2 news crew and they loved Kimberly. Thought she was a sweet princess. Then we did the Youth Fair and learned more about the outdoors. In between booths, we checked out the Splash Dogs and constantly commented on our Duke and how he is no where close to being a splash dog. haha.

After a couple hours of the Expo, we left and headed to Temple Square. It has been awhile since Brian and I have been on Temple Square and Kimberly hasn't been since she was a baby. So that was a nice experience for her to see all the neat stuff in the visitor center. Her favorite part though was seeing the 4 brides taking pictures. It was a good chance for Matthew and Kimberly to run out their energy and play in the setting sun. Brian and I both said we have to get down there again without kids so we can go inside the beautiful temple.

That was our fun day. I will have to try and add some pictures here soon. I took them on my new phone but I am not sure how to get them from My Album to here. When I figure that out, I will add some pictures.

Our ventures this week include us getting ready for miss Kimberly's birthday!
Blessings to all until I return!

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