April 2, 2009

Dance Recital Day

Now for the next big thing that happened in our little lives. Kimberly had her dance recital. She was super excited for it and you could tell she was a little more mature this year. She wanted to do good and she wasn't really nervous. Here are a few pictures (especially for you mom):

This was Kimberly pre-recital. This is the only time I can get her to do the curlers.

Matthew's excited for Kimmy's big day too. haha

All ready for the recital with hair done and makeup on.

Not the best quality of photo but I couldn't resist this one. Matthew was waiting (not so) patiently for his sissy to come out and dance.

I had to show this photo... Kimberly is in the dead middle in the front out of all these girls. The funny thing is that this is only half of the girls in her dance company.

That's Kimmy in the middle. She is doing her Twinkle Twinkle Little Star dance. The tutu is her absolute favorite.
After the show, her instructor gave all the girls a medal, a rose, and a certificate. Kimmy got the Good Technique award. Very proud of her.

This is Kimmy's two instructors. Marianne is on the left and she was her teacher this year and Vicki is on the right and she was her teacher last year. Kimberly really loves both of these ladies.

Here is Kimmy at home after it was all over with. She scored on flowers this year from daddy and mommy and matthew, grampie and grammie, and her rose from her teacher. She really loves flowers so she was so excited.

I had to show these. The picture on the left is the recital program. That little girl is Beth and she is in Kimmy's class. The picture on the right is one of Kimberly's pictures that they took a month ago. Pretty cute considering she was pretty sick that day.

All in all, Kimberly did really well. I am so proud of her. She smiled most of the time on stage. She didn't wave to us this year. She said she couldn't see us. haha. We did video the dancing (don't worry mom, we will bring it) and we ordered the DVD. Kimberly loves dancing and I think she will do this most of her childhood years. Thank you Marianne for a wonderful year of dancing at Memories in Motion Dance Company.

Now we get to slow life down for a week. I can't wait. Preschool is over at my house (today was my last day of teaching) and dance is done until August/September. I have one week were we don't have a lot of stuff. It will be nice for a little downtime... for all of us.

Blessings to all until my next posting. :-)


  1. Adorable!!
    (And I dare say, much cuter than we were in our dance recital pics.)

  2. Soooooo cute! Your oldest looks JUST like you! Thanks for your get well wishes-
