February 28, 2010

The Journey continues

So this past week we have been "staging" our house to look presentable. I know that sounds silly but I hear it helps sell. So we have been going through more boxes and totes, filling up lots of stuff. It is truely amazing how much stuff you can collect in 8 years of marriage.

We did get a storage shed to start putting stuff in and we moved 4 truck loads of stuff into it in 2 days. We still have 3 more rooms to go through and clean. That has been the other big job... cleaning. Not that I don't clean every week but I just don't do the deep cleaning. I make my house pleasant to the eye but if you look closely, you are sure to see something dirty. So I have been on my hands and knees cleaning every corner of this house. I think the most disgusting thing came in our bedroom. We haven't been able to rearrange our bedroom furniture since we got it when we got married. So we figured out a way to move it so make our room look bigger and I couldn't believe the yuck that built up behind the bed. Ugh! Note to self... move the bed at least once a year from now on!

I wish it was warmer to clean up the outside of the house right now. We are having some nice weather but not nice enough to melt all the snow and make trees grow. haha. Plus we are dreading the backyard. Here's a picture... when the snow melts, our lawn will not be green. It will be full of doggie doo doo and it isn't pretty. Good thing that isn't my job. haha.

Well we are hoping to put the house up for sale this week. We have no idea what the outcome will be (I sure hope someone is out there just waiting for our house to go on the market) but we make the best of it.

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. having just cleaned out a house we've only lived in for 3 years, i can empathize, unfortunately! the other thing that got me was a harsh reminder of how quickly time passes and our kids grow~giving away old toys that seem like they played with just yesterday was enough to bring a tear to my eye:_(
    anyway, good luck with the sell~
