June 30, 2010

Our Fun Weekend

We decided we needed a vacation but didn't want to spend a lot of money. So we decided a staycation in Salt Lake would do us good. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express on the west side of town and it was fun. They had this great pool area. It had a kid play area (see below) and then it had a basketball pool, a lap pool, and a water slide for adults. It was a lot of fun.

After we checked in and played at the pool for awhile, we went to the Real soccer game. It was very warm but it was fun. The kids lastest for 3/4 of the game and then got bored. Oh well.
I think the kids favorite part was the hotel stay. They thought having a hotel room was great and they actually slept pretty good. It was a nice hotel and we had a lot of fun.
Saturday we woke up and played at the pool for another hour or so and enjoyed ourselves. Then we got dressed, checked out and went shopping. We grabbed a table at the Skybox and ate some yummy lunch while we watched the first half of the USA soccer game. Too bad they ended up losing in the end.
Then we made our way up the hill to Hogle Zoo. It is amazing how you can get away from your town and still run into people you know. We saw a family from our ward and some family friends. It was extremely hot so we were doing our best to stay cool in the misters all around the zoo. I have a bunch of pictures but didn't want to put them all on here. Below was one of the highlights for the kids:
After three hot hours at the zoo, we made our way to the Salt Lake Bees baseball game. That was a blast. We got to say hi to the Bumblebee and ate a bunch of food. We had great seats and sat in the shade the entire time. We would have loved to stay the entire game but after 9 p.m. and still in the 7th inning, we knew we had to get home. (early church and I had to teach)
I think we are still trying to recoop from our fun weekend but it was well worth it.

June 23, 2010

Some things in June

Well as you can see one of our big happenings was Kimberly losing her 3rd tooth. She was so proud because she pulled this one out all by herself. At 6:30 a.m. one morning, she woke me up to show me her tooth was half out. Now how long she had been working on it, I will never know. I told her great and to go back to bed. 5 minutes later she comes back in to show me her missing tooth. After the drama of the last tooth (lots of tears and fears), this was pretty smooth. She still has a loose top tooth and the day after this one fell out, she realized the same tooth on the other side is loose. I guess that means she is growing up.

Here is my little fishy Kimmy. She took swimming lessons at the Sports Academy the first two weeks of June. It was pretty crappy weather outside but perfect for swimming lessons inside. She was a little nervous her first day but then the fish in her came out and she was swimming great by the second day. I was very proud of her. I think she swims better than me and her dad now. haha.

Aren't they cute. They can't resist a good picture with Duke. Duke loves them too.

This was at my mom's for Father's Day weekend. We were outside scootering around the driveway when Brian started whipping the kids around at the end of the sidewalk. Kimberly isn't as daring and screamed and was ready to fall down. But Matthew has no fear, especially when daddy is invovled and my mom captured this great picture. I see Xgames in our future.
Other than the crappy weather, it has been a nice summer. We are enjoying sleeping in and watching World Cup Soccer. Brian is bummed that the games are when he is sleeping but he has been lucky to watch the replays at night.
Father's Day weekend was fun. We spent a couple days at my parents house and had a blast. Got to visit with Grandma and Grandpa and some old neighbor friends. It was pretty weather and I think we hit every park in Soda (not too hard... there are only 4). Then Father's Day was fun. Brian was loved and I am sure he felt loved. We went over to Tremonton that afternoon to visit with his dad and enjoyed family time over there.
Still more June to go and we are busy.
Blessings till next post :-)

June 2, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday to Matthew

Happy 3rd Birthday to my little Matthew Troy Peterson. I can't believe he is 3 already. Where has the time gone. He is no longer my baby, even though he still cuddles with me sometimes.

Matthew had a fun birthday weekend. Since his official birthday was on Sunday, May 30th; we had grandparents over on Saturday. We had a great day, even though it rained and hailed. We all went out to lunch and then opened presents. Then cake and ice cream and then a pinata. I had to get a pinata just for Matthew and Kimberly. I found a cute soccer ball pinata and we filled it full of candy. The pinata was so hard to break that Brian had to break it open after 20 tries by Matthew and 20 tries by Kimberly. But the kids loved it.

Matthew got some great presents and his big present was a Spiderman scooter. He seems a little small for a scooter but he is always on Kimberly's so we thought he could use his own. He loves it.

On Sunday after church he got to open more presents and was pretty happy to celebrate more birthday. After the weekend, we were all pretty much birthday'd out. But Matthew had a ball.

Then yesterday my mom came into town to play with the kids and me and we went and got some pictures done at the new place in the mall; Smiles. The kids were great. I had to laugh at Matthew. He takes pictures like his daddy. He will sit there good but he doesn't want to smile. We finally got him to say cheese and we did get a few smiles. I am looking at these pictures and just in awe at how big my kids are getting. I will post the pictures in a bit.
Blessings to all till next post :-)