April 19, 2013

16th week of pictures - Sleeping

Sleeping pictures are not the easiest to take.  My camera is noisy so everytime I took a picture, I either woke up the subject or startled them enough out of their slumber to stop their snoring.  I love sleeping people, esp. my children.  That is when my house is the quietest and I love quiet time.
Here are some funnies about these sleeping people:
Jacob ALWAYS has something on his head when he sleeps (as you can see the pillow on him below).  It never fails, when I come in to check on him or wake him up, he has something on his head.  It isn't just a light blanket either.  He tends to have stuffed animals on his head and they aren't little.  Not sure why...

Brian looks silly when he sleeps.  He is usually drooling.  I tried to take a picture of him this way but he woke up.  So he posed when he fell back to sleep so I could take a picture.  Here he looks sweet.  haha.  I have to cherish these moments of seeing Brian sleeping next to me because it doesn't happen too often with his work.

Matthew tends to suck his tongue while he sleeps.  You can't see it much in this picture but a part of his tongue is sticking out.  I used to do this too.  I love that his arms are sprawled out to his sides.  He was snoring pretty loud when I took this picture.

The funny about Kimberly in this picture is the stuffed animal next to her.  "Heart" has been with her since she was a baby and she will not go to sleep without him.  This dog has seen better days, in fact, I don't dare wash the poor mutt for fear it will fall apart.
What I noticed in common with all these pictures... everyone has their mouth part way open.  Brian did until I woke him up taking the picture.  Hmmm... makes me wonder if I do that too?

Well we have made it about 4 months now taking pictures and blogging.  I am pretty impressed that I have kept it up.  Normally I get busy and run out of time.  I love doing this.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. These were great pictures and I loved that you highlighted every family member. Keep up the great work! I really should put you in charge of the posts.
