June 23, 2013

25th week of pictures - Father

This week's theme was Father in honor of Father's Day.  I have had some great fathers in my life:  #1 my dad, my grandfathers, uncles, friends' dad, etc.  But today I want to focus on the main father in my life now... my husband.
Brian is an amazing dad.  He is the type of dad that is involved in his kids' lives 100%.  It all started while they were in my tummy and he was reading to them (he thought it was odd but he still did it).  Then came diapers.  Yes Brian has changed his fair share of diapers.  He was even the type of father that got up in the night during night time feedings to change a diaper and rock a baby to sleep if needed.  He is always playing with the kids, whether it is sports outside, toys inside, even babies and house with his daughter.  I couldn't have asked for a more amazing dad for my kids.
Thank you dear for being a great father for our kids.  I love you.
 Train building skills a must in our dad!

Yes Jacob thought this was odd, just like Brian.  haha

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