June 30, 2013

26th week of pictures - Something Yellow

Something yellow was the theme for this week.  We had this theme awhile back so I was trying to decide what I would take a picture of that wasn't the same as before.  Then a couple days ago, this beautiful flower opened up and I knew I had to capture it.
A little story about these flowers.  The first of May comes and our new house was in need of some flowers or plants.  Unfortunately money was tight and we were postive we couldn't swing some flowers.  Luckily a nice guy my husband works with tells my hubby how his yard could use some thinning of his flowers.  So one day my hubby takes a bunch of buckets and gathers up a variety of flowers.  I was delighted.  What is better than free right!  Now Brian was all worried that none of these flowers would live but most of them have and we have some neat flowers, that will spread and give us more beauty.
So happy to have some flowers in my yard... and it just will keep getting better and better with each year.  Now we just have to save money for some trees in the front yard for some much needed shade on our house!

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