February 12, 2015

Survived One of the Big Questions!

When my oldest turned 8 years old, I prepared myself for one of the big questions as a kid... are you Santa?  I looked at articles, studies, etc., to get ideas on the best way to handle this question.  I felt prepared!  I was NOT prepared for what happened.

For one thing, I always had it in my head that my oldest would come with this question already knowing the answer.  I never thought she would ask the question because she found something that I carelessly left out.  Like most parents, we have our secret hiding spots for things.  This Christmas, I took something (that was meant for Santa) and put it in a drawer by my bed.  I am not sure if I thought it was hidden or I had planned to move it later.  Kimberly opened that drawer to get some Vicks for her cold and saw the letters.  I instantly shut the drawer and told her not to worry about it.  Uh oh!  Of course she wouldn't accept that answer and followed me to the kitchen to ask the big question.  Ok here we go... here is what I prepared myself for.

When she asked the question, I answered her truthfully and honestly.  I always knew I wouldn't lie to her.  What I didn't expect were the tears streaming down her sweet, innocent face.  I wasn't prepared for the feeling that I just broke her childhood heart.  She had this look on her face that told me she wanted to hear the truth, but she didn't want to know the truth.  Oh it broke my heart talking to her.  I, too, shed the tears with her while I explained things.  The only problem with my explanation was I never thought about my feelings while telling the truth.  I have no idea if I said all I wanted to say.  My heart was just breaking and wanting to make life all better for my daughter.

We finished up our conversation (yes by now I involved dad, who was just hiding in the bedroom).  Kimberly's concern now was how to keep this secret from her brothers.  Oh I hope she can!  Bribes work!

By the next night, there were no longer tears when having private discussions about things.  In fact, it was just the opposite.  Kimberly had a look of excitement when wanting to discuss secrets.  She figured out that not only were we Santa Claus, but also the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.  I think she feels pretty cool that she can have private conversations with her parents, that do not involve her brothers.

Well we survived that big question.  On to the next big questions!  Heavenly Father, Please help us!

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