September 12, 2012


So it finally happened... we sold our home and have found a home in Millville.  It is crazy how all this has come about.  It all started a couple years ago we decided to put our house up for sale by owner.  We were hoping someone would love our house and this would happen fast.  Well nope... that didn't happen.  Then we had Jacob and I wasn't really in the mood to try and sell a house during that time.  We still had our sign up but we weren't too serious.  So this winter we decided to get serious and try to sell but this time with a realtor.  I have a good friend I grew up with that was in the business so at least I knew I could trust him and he could deal with the real me... not the person that makes everyone happy.

So I cleaned this house like crazy (I am a clean freak but seriously I had let some things go) and our sign went up April 1.  I couldn't believe how many people came thru our house in only a few short months.  We had at least 1 showing a week... I think there was 1 week in all this time that we didn't show the house.  A couple days we had 4 showings.  This had its bonuses and drawbacks.  I liked that I didn't have to tell people about the house... someone else did that.  I liked that my house was always clean.  I hated that I had to clean it every day.  haha.  I know silly that that was good and bad.  My children got really good at cleaning up a house and that impressed me.  We had to be kicked out of our house at the most unopportuned times. (not sure if that is a word or spelled right)  Poor Brian was woke up a few times from his daily sleeptime to be kicked out for an hour or so and then try to go back to sleep.  Probably the most annoying part was the people asking us if we sold our house yet for months.... not that I don't love them all but it got really tiring telling them no.

So just after a few months, I was getting pretty prepared that this wasn't going to happen this year.  Our kids were getting ready to start school and I really didn't want to have to take them out of their current school if I didn't have to.  So one normal week came and we had a couple showings.  Next thing we know our realtor calls and says we have an offer coming in... REALLY?!  I was surprised and happy.  Granted... didn't want to get the hopes up just in case but still I was surprised.  Luck have it, Brian was up 4 wheeling the day this offer came in and we had to wait for him to come off the mountain before we could dig into this.  Within 1 week, we sold our house. 

Now for the craziness of having to find us a place to live in 1 month.  Brian and I were so excited April 1 to start looking for houses.  By July we had all but given up at looking so when this came up, we were so not prepared.  Instantly we started looking for anything that fit our family.  We looked at so many houses in 1 week and I learned that I was going to have to not be picky.  BUT I still wanted something we could love and live in for 20 years.  It was fun to be on this side of house hunting but I have to say this... I kept my house spotless compared to some of the houses we saw.  Jeez!  We were finding some homes that we loved but they were way out of our budget.  We started thinking that maybe we could swing a more expensive home but finally came to our senses (with lots of praying) and realized what we could afford and to stick with our budget.

So now we were worried there wasn't going to be a house for us until we thought to look at a house that we kept by-passing. (the kitchen counter tops were blue- seriously people).  We got to the house and could not believe that this house was in our budget.  The lot was huge!  We walked in the house and yes there were things that I thought ugh (blue counter tops) but really I fell in love with this house.  I actually could see me doing things to this house to make it our home that got me really excited.  The size of the lot was amazing to us and we could see our kids and dog loving this yard.  Brian and I joked that we will be mowing every day just to keep up the yard work but that is ok.  The more houses we looked at, we just couldn't get over the fact of the size and how the house was perfect for us.  It is out in Millville so close to the city but still feeling like it is the country.  Brian loves Millville canyon and now he will be able to ride his 4 wheeler right up there from the house and play.

Now I am a big believer that Heavenly Father knows how our lives will be and directs us if we listen.  Well with this house, things were just falling into place.  We know this is our house and we couldn't be more excited. 

I laugh cause I am going on and on but I don't have a picture of it yet.  haha.  I will soon.  So we are currently packing and arranging and going crazy... all in excitement for what lies ahead.  I keep Pinteresting and finding great winter projects for Brian (he is sick of them... except when I found a wall painted like a baseball... he was pretty happy about that one).
So on to our next adventure... if we survive this next month!

1 comment:

  1. Brad LOVED our blue counter tops. He is a die hard BYU fan and loved that our kitchen exuded BYU pride. I am glad you found a house in your budget! What a blessing that is all coming together after a lot of patience. The ward will miss you guys!
