December 31, 2012

2012 Year in Review


2012 is almost gone but what a year it was for the Peterson Family.  For Brian and me, our year revolved around moving.  It started late winter, early spring with preparing the house to be put up for sale by a realtor.  Then we had a few months of selling which meant keeping our house show clean and constantly being kicked our for a showing.  End of summer beginning of fall brought on the sale of our house and finding a house to call our own.  September was mainly packing up our belongings of 10 years and preparing to move.  October 2, we moved into our new house in Millville.  The next month was basically unpacking and getting used to a new neighborhood, neighbors, ward, etc.  I can't believe how quickly this year has gone by and what has happened.  Here is a run down:

Kimberly:  What a fun year this has been for Kimberly.  She turned 8 years old and was baptized at the start of the year.  She enjoyed dancing on her performing team and started up again this fall.  She has been having fun as a girl scout and loving that her mom is a leader.  She started 3rd grade at Bridger Elementary with Mrs. Papernik as her teacher.  She enjoyed her 1 month there and had a hard time saying goodbye to all her friends.  The first of October she started 3rd grade at Millville Elementary with Mrs. Broadbent as her teacher.  She has made some great friends and enjoys her school.  She has had to play some catch-up with her math (now she is cruising thru her multiplication tables) but still is at the top of her class in reading.  2013 brings on more dancing, acing 3rd grade, starting piano in the summer, and 4th grade.

Matthew:  Matthew has enjoyed his year.  He finished off his preschool online class and started Kindergarten.  He had fun with Mrs. Packard in Bridger Elementary for 1 month before moving to Millville Elementary with Ms. Jones.  He loves school and learning and getting ready to start reading books.  He got to play T-ball this year and found a true love for the sport.  I see a future for him as a baseball player.  He is all boy and loves everything daddy does.  He is a video game junkie if we let him... so we have to put limits on his playtime.  2013 brings on more sports (hopefully some outdoor soccer), graduating from Kindergarten, and starting 1st grade in the fall.

Jacob:  My little baby isn't so little and a baby anymore.  He is a full on toddler.  Jacob has a love for anything and everything.  He is such a happy kid and has loved every minute of every day.  He ended 2012 turning 2 and sometimes his terrible two moments have showed up but not many.  Jacob could play toys all day or just hang out with his dad.  He is truely a daddy's boy.  Just like his older brother, Jacob has found a love for the 4 wheeler.  He always has a huge smile on his face riding around with daddy.  2013 brings on potty training for the little squirt and just a bunch more playing.

Duke:  Duke has had a fun year.  He has loved the move to a bigger yard with lots more dogs to bark at.  He had to learn stairs in our new house but now is a pro at running up and down them.  When he isn't running around the backyard or playing king on the deck with the post office patrons, he is sleeping peacefully on the couch downstairs.  2013 brings on more running and losing weight for this mutt.

Brian and Tammy:  2013 is going to bring on many projects at our new house like a garden, landscaping, interior decorating (ok just hanging up more pictures), organizing playrooms, boys room, and kimberly's room and trying our best to get along with our children with less fighting.

I can't even express how much love we feel in our new house.  We know we have moved to the right house that we plan on living in for 20 more years.  The ward and neighborhood has been so welcoming and the feel of the country that we live in is just perfect for us.  We honestly couldn't have found a better place.

We hope everyone has a wonderful 2013.  Love to all our friends and family.

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