February 1, 2013

My motivation

So I am making this post to keep my motivation going.

As most of you know, I am overweight and have been since I started having children.  Well I am fed up with it and decided it was time to do something about it.  Call it tired of everything or really want to be like these people here in Millville who are always exercising... something sparked under my behind and I am determined to get healthy.

I started my "diet" on January 1.  Here is the deal... I cut down on what I ate.  I still eat things I like... just in moderation.  I have hashbrowns for breakfast 2 times a month now instead of 4 times a week.  I eat chips but only in small quantities. I use a little kid bowl for my cereal instead of the big adult bowl.  I only snack at a certain time of day and quit eating anything after 6 p.m.  I quit having nightly ice cream and popcorn.  Those are special occasion treats.  For dinner I eat normal but I am finding I am not as hungry and don't finish my plate.  Oh and the biggest thing is I don't eat sweets.  No more candy bars or candy.  2 times in the month I did have a dessert but they were for special occasions (Schrieber dinner party and refreshment after a Primary meeting).  So as you can see, I am not on any specific diet... just modified eating.

The next step was to start moving every day.  I thought I was moving by chasing around a toddler but I really wasn't getting my heartrate up.  So every morning I do my sit ups, planks, and arms and sometime during the day I move and groove.  Because I get bored so easily with the same type of workout, I change it up everyday.  Yes I have even broke out those old VHS tapes (anyone remember TaeBo).  Now I haven't done this everyday due to sickness or busy or just Sunday but I have moved most of the days of the week.

I am noticing a difference.  I don't step on the scale every day.  I hate that.  But I do notice the way my clothes feel and the way I look.  I can look down now and not see a stomach that looks like I am 6 months pregnant.  I feel stronger.  I have more energy.

If anyone is keeping track though, the last time I did Wii Fit Plus, I was down 8 pounds.

I am determined to keep this up.  I have a big yard that needs a lot of work this summer and I want to look and feel good outside working on it.
Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Tammy! That is awesome! I need to get motivated to move more and stuff. I don't eat completely UNHEALTHILY, but I know I can do better! You can do it! (By the way, I was totally going to ask you at Scouts the other day if you had lost weight cause it totally looks like it!)
