December 31, 2012

2012 Year in Review


2012 is almost gone but what a year it was for the Peterson Family.  For Brian and me, our year revolved around moving.  It started late winter, early spring with preparing the house to be put up for sale by a realtor.  Then we had a few months of selling which meant keeping our house show clean and constantly being kicked our for a showing.  End of summer beginning of fall brought on the sale of our house and finding a house to call our own.  September was mainly packing up our belongings of 10 years and preparing to move.  October 2, we moved into our new house in Millville.  The next month was basically unpacking and getting used to a new neighborhood, neighbors, ward, etc.  I can't believe how quickly this year has gone by and what has happened.  Here is a run down:

Kimberly:  What a fun year this has been for Kimberly.  She turned 8 years old and was baptized at the start of the year.  She enjoyed dancing on her performing team and started up again this fall.  She has been having fun as a girl scout and loving that her mom is a leader.  She started 3rd grade at Bridger Elementary with Mrs. Papernik as her teacher.  She enjoyed her 1 month there and had a hard time saying goodbye to all her friends.  The first of October she started 3rd grade at Millville Elementary with Mrs. Broadbent as her teacher.  She has made some great friends and enjoys her school.  She has had to play some catch-up with her math (now she is cruising thru her multiplication tables) but still is at the top of her class in reading.  2013 brings on more dancing, acing 3rd grade, starting piano in the summer, and 4th grade.

Matthew:  Matthew has enjoyed his year.  He finished off his preschool online class and started Kindergarten.  He had fun with Mrs. Packard in Bridger Elementary for 1 month before moving to Millville Elementary with Ms. Jones.  He loves school and learning and getting ready to start reading books.  He got to play T-ball this year and found a true love for the sport.  I see a future for him as a baseball player.  He is all boy and loves everything daddy does.  He is a video game junkie if we let him... so we have to put limits on his playtime.  2013 brings on more sports (hopefully some outdoor soccer), graduating from Kindergarten, and starting 1st grade in the fall.

Jacob:  My little baby isn't so little and a baby anymore.  He is a full on toddler.  Jacob has a love for anything and everything.  He is such a happy kid and has loved every minute of every day.  He ended 2012 turning 2 and sometimes his terrible two moments have showed up but not many.  Jacob could play toys all day or just hang out with his dad.  He is truely a daddy's boy.  Just like his older brother, Jacob has found a love for the 4 wheeler.  He always has a huge smile on his face riding around with daddy.  2013 brings on potty training for the little squirt and just a bunch more playing.

Duke:  Duke has had a fun year.  He has loved the move to a bigger yard with lots more dogs to bark at.  He had to learn stairs in our new house but now is a pro at running up and down them.  When he isn't running around the backyard or playing king on the deck with the post office patrons, he is sleeping peacefully on the couch downstairs.  2013 brings on more running and losing weight for this mutt.

Brian and Tammy:  2013 is going to bring on many projects at our new house like a garden, landscaping, interior decorating (ok just hanging up more pictures), organizing playrooms, boys room, and kimberly's room and trying our best to get along with our children with less fighting.

I can't even express how much love we feel in our new house.  We know we have moved to the right house that we plan on living in for 20 more years.  The ward and neighborhood has been so welcoming and the feel of the country that we live in is just perfect for us.  We honestly couldn't have found a better place.

We hope everyone has a wonderful 2013.  Love to all our friends and family.

December 27, 2012

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012 has come and gone but not without lots of joy.  We have spent all December really talking to our children about Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas.  They have enjoyed every night reading from the Bible and really understanding the story of Jesus's birth.  Now that is not saying they haven't been going crazy about presents and Santa and everything.  We even got 3 elves this year that played lots of fun tricks on us.  This has been a wonderful Christmas.  We were blessed enough to have a white christmas and were able to share this beautiful holiday with our parents.  Our house was trashed by Christmas night but it was all worth it.  I am glad we get 11 more months before doing it all again.

 Jacob enjoying the snow on Christmas Eve.
 Eagerly anticipating Santa's arrival on Christmas Eve.  Jacob was just so excited to open presents.
 My downstairs tree.  I was luckily enough to do something I have always wanted to do... have more than one tree.  Thank goodness for shatterproof ornaments though.  Jacob thoughts these ornaments were balls to play with and started throwing them around.  Not to mention the nerf guns that attacked the tree on Christmas.
 This was my upstairs tree.  The majority of ornaments on this tree have come in the past 10 years.  It is fun to look at this tree and remember each ornament.  This is my childrens' favorite tree.
 Santa brought Jacob a "choo choo".
 Santa always leaves some fun goodies for mom, dad, and duke.
 Santa thought Matthew would enjoy this Hot Wheels set and he was soooo right.
 Santa added to Kimberly's American Girl Doll collection.
 The downstairs tree held presents from us, grandparents, and friends.
 Early Christmas morning... enjoying what Santa had brought.
 So happy to have fun toys and presents.  Matthew got some capes and decided we all could be a super hero.
One of Kimberly's favorite presents.  She saw this in the Disney store in SLC and just had to have it.  She was very bummed that we walked out of the store without it.  So to her surprise Christmas morning... here it was.

Mommy and Daddy felt like we got a bunch of fun presents when we bought our house (washer, dryer, fridge, stove, piano, etc).  So we just sat back and enjoyed the kids opening presents.  My mom did give us a fun gift to try out in the warmer weather... tennis rackets.  Our north park here in Millville has nice tennis courts and we were hoping to give them a go.  Can't wait for spring!

We had a wonderful Christmas.  Couldn't have asked for anything better.
Merry Christmas to everyone!

December 26, 2012

Kimberly's dance costume

Matthew's Finger

My poor Matthew had an accident last Sunday.  We still aren't 100% sure what he did.  Something with getting on his bunkbed.  All we know is he came running upstairs screaming and holding his wrist.  After we evaluated his wrist and determined nothing seemed wrong, we realized something was wrong because our tough kid was still screaming.  That was when we noticed his index finger was swelling up and turning black and blue.  We immediately took him to ER.  Of course he was so good at the hospital and the nurses loved him.  One dr even joked that he can't pick his nose now.  haha.  But the dr diagnosed him with a dislocated finger (that Matthew must have put back in himself) but nothing broken.  5 days later we went to an Ortho dr and he said that Matthew sprained his joints pretty sever.  So for 3 weeks he has to have on a splint and then we will probably have to go in for physical therapy.  What a trooper I have.
 When he came back from the hospital.
 Happy about his wristband and splint.  He wasn't so happy 5 days later when he found out he has to keep the splint on for 3 weeks.
You can kind of see the bruising on his joints.

Jacob turned 2 years old

Our little Jacob Lewis Peterson turned 2 years old on Dec. 15.  I can't believe how quickly 2 years has flown by.  2 years ago I had one of the best deliveries and experiences with having a baby.  I instantly fell in love with this little guy and still love him to pieces.  He is my happy happy boy.  Always funny and laughing, just a great kid all around.  He is so loved by us and I know he feels it.  We are so glad to have him with us here on Earth.

 This was his "choo choo" train cake I made him.  He was so happy to have a "choo choo".
 Extra batter so I made some cupcakes.
 All of Jacob's toys from  his birthday.  He scored big time.
 My happy 2 year old.
I love this kid so much!

Kimberly's dance group

Fun family photos

December 1, 2012

Lights at Temple Square

We were able to see the lights at Temple Square early this year and we were so glad we did.  The weather has been unseasonly warm and so we weren't cold.  It started a light rain when we got there and that didn't stop us nor did it bother us.  The kids enjoy all the lights and we just enjoy being on Temple Grounds to feel the peace.  I enjoy every inch of the square and this time we got to listen to a couple singing groups.  It was a neat experience.  My favorite part was when we were in the North Visitor Center and decided to go see the Christus.  While we were waiting for our turn (there were quite a few people), we could hear Jesus talking.  Jacob's eyes were huge and he looked at me and said really slow "Jesus".  I loved it.  Then when we went up to hear the presentation and see the statue, Jacob was so happy to see Jesus.  I love that he isn't quite 2 and yet he knows someone very important in his life.  After the presentation, Kimberly really wanted to walk up close and see the wounds on the Savior... she was very solemn after seeing them.  I think now that she is baptized and understands a little bit more what Jesus did for us, she knows how important those marks are.  I was very happy seeing her like this.

We couldn't have asked for a better night to see the lights.  It always puts us in the Christmas spirit.

So I have to comment on 2 things... Jacob had so much fun taking pictures.  He was more than happy to pose and smile.  There were even times when he would stop and smile at me thinking I was going to take his picture.  The second thing is the hats.  My children love these hats.  They are so warm and fuzzy and fun.  Jacob is just now getting into his hat and I mean literally.  When we got dressed in the parking garage, as soon as Jacob got his hat on, he started growling and chasing Matthew around.  The neat thing about these hats is the conversation piece they become wherever we go.

Hope every one enjoys the start to the Christmas holiday!

November 26, 2012

Forgiveness Talk

I am awful at blogging and do hope I have a chance to be better.  Right now my life has been super stressful and very crazy.  So in the middle of all my craziness, I was asked to speak in Sacrament.  I prayed and pondered this talk on Forgiveness for awhile.  Well it went well and I had quite a few compliments.  I want to make sure I remember this talk so I am putting it here on my blog.  If you read this, I hope it inspires you.

President Gordon B. Hinckley had a conference talk on Forgiveness in October 2005. He states” Forgiveness may be the greatest virtue on earth and certainly the most needed. There is so much of meanness and abuse, of intolerance and hatred. There is so great a need for repentance and forgiveness. It is the great principle emphasized in all the scripture, both ancient and modern.” He concludes his talk with this, “The great Atonement was the supreme act of forgiveness. The magnitude of that Atonement is beyond our ability to completely understand. I know only that it happened, and that it was for me and for you. The suffering was so great, the agony so intense, that none of us can comprehend it when the Savior offered Himself as a ransom for the sins of all mankind. It is through Him that we gain forgiveness. It is through Him that there comes the certain promise that all mankind will be granted the blessings of salvation, with resurrection from the dead. It is through Him and His great overarching sacrifice that we are offered the opportunity through obedience of exaltation and eternal life.”

I am a convert of the church. I became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints when I was 18 years old. I can testify to you that Satan does everything in his power to make you weak and turn you away from this wonderful blessing. About 2 years after I was baptized, we suffered a very hard tragedy in our family. My cousin (who was only 4 years older than me) was killed by gang members. He was an innocent bystander. This was very hard on me and my family. My first reaction was to be angry with my Heavenly Father for letting this happen. For 2 weeks after my cousin’s death, I asked my Heavenly Father every day WHY. Why did he do this? And for 2 weeks I never received an answer. My heart was hardened. My life was very black. After 2 weeks, I humbled myself and let my anger go. I remember getting on my knees (once again) and asking Heavenly Father why. Why did he let this happen? Why Troy? Because of my humbleness and lack of anger, Heavenly Father must have felt I needed an answer. I remember this warm feeling envelope me. I remember it feeling like giant arms hugging me. I was warm, I was happy, I was at peace. Then my answer came. Because it was his time. I can tell you right now that if Heavenly Father had tried to tell me that answer right after my cousin’s death, I wouldn’t have listened or accepted it. It was such a simple answer. But I knew it was the right answer and that it true. After receiving this answer and accepting it, I remember that warm feeling going away and I was going to be ok. I got right on the phone to call my mom to tell her this amazing thing that happened to me. The greatest thing was the shocked expression my mother had after I told her. She told me not a couple hours before, my aunt (my mom’s sister), had called my mom and told her the exact same thing I just told her. The same warm feeling… the same answer. My aunt is not a member of the church. It just shows you how we are all children of God and he loves each and every one of us the same.

Now that I had my answer and knew life was going to be okay, you would think that I would be happy and move on. But I couldn’t. I just had a nagging feeling every day. During a Sharing Time lesson in Primary on this, they talked about this nagging feeling like carrying a bag of rocks around. That is exactly how I felt. I felt this heavy bag of rocks with me and could not shake them. I would pray to my Heavenly Father, asking what I need to do to get rid of this feeling. And every time he would give me the vision of my scriptures. I wouldn’t listen. I didn’t know how the scriptures would help me in this situation. So I ignored it and went on with life carrying this big bag of rocks. About the third time of praying to Heavenly Father and receiving the same answer of Scriptures, I realized that I should listen. The only problem was I was only a 2 year convert and in no way a scholar of the scriptures. I had heard of people being able to quote scripture off the top of their head that would answer all their questions. I even heard of people being able to open their scriptures to the right page and all their answers would be right there. I didn’t think that could happen for me. In no was I able to quote a scripture… In no way was opening the scripture to the right page going to happen for me. So I took a few days to ponder Heavenly Father’s answer of the scriptures.

It finally came to me that I needed to zero in on the rock in my bag that was really heavy that day. So that particular day I remember all that was on my mind was the word Murder. I grabbed my scriptures and decided to look up the word Murder in the Topic Guide. I couldn’t believe all the references in the scriptures to just one little word. I started to look up every scripture in that Topical Guide that dealt with the word murder. After a couple scriptures, I grabbed a black color pencil to mark these scriptures (I picked black because that was the color that represented Murder to me). After I looked up every one of those scriptures, I felt at peace with the word Murder. That rock was taken from my bag and I felt a bit lighter. I honestly don’t recall every feeling down about that word again.

So that was my process. If I was feeling down about something… I would zero in on what was really bugging me and look up every scripture on that word, mark them with the color that represented that word, and I was able to take that rock out of my bag when I was finished. Anger, hate, death, kill, blood… all of them, gone. I can’t even describe the feeling I got every time I finished reading my scriptures.

Eventually I got down to one rock in my bag. And folks this one was a big one. During my Sharing Time lesson, I was trying to get 8-11 years old to understand how big this feeling was so I got one of the big rocks from the canyon that I could barely carry and took this out of my bag to show how big this burden was for me. The rock I pulled out was Forgiveness. The kids were amazed at how big the rock was and I think they understood how big of a burden it was for me. Forgiveness… how could I get rid of this rock? How was I supposed to forgive these boys for killing my cousin? This was one rock I couldn’t get my hands around. So I figured I would read my scriptures and I would have my answers and I would feel better. So, with my color pencil on hand, I was ready to read the scriptures on Forgiveness. This is what I found:

Joshua 24:19 – he will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins. Matthew 6:14-15 – For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Matthew 18:21-22 – how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, until seven times: but, until seventy times seven. Luke 6:37 – forgive and ye shall be forgiven. Ephesians 4:32 – forgiving on another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you. 3 Nephi 13:14-15 – if ye forgive men their trspasses, Father will forgive you. D&C 64:10 – I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men.

I think you get the picture. After reading all those scriptures and more, I realized that I must forgive these men for what they did for to my cousin. And if I didn’t forgive them, Heavenly Father would not forgive me. That was a really hard thing to digest. I didn’t have that feeling of peace after reading those scriptures. If anything, my rock in my bag got heavier. I walked around wondering and pondering how in the world was I ever supposed to forgive these boys. For over 10 years I walked around with that rock of Forgiveness on my back. It seemed that every year that rock got heavier and heavier. I just couldn’t do this one thing very easily. Then one day, I must have been very humble. (I must have been cleaning or something like that). I have learned that my answers come from Heavenly Father at my most humble times. I was thinking about those boys that killed my cousin. I was thinking about their lives in jail all these years. I was wondering if they ever thought about the young man they killed. All of a sudden I saw the picture of Jesus on the cross. I saw him up there bleeding… and all I could think about is what he said. Luke 23:34 – Then said Jesus, Father forgive them; for they know not what they do. Here Jesus was bleeding and he was asking Father to forgive these people for what they did to him. If Jesus could forgive them, why can’t I forgive these boys. This stopped me in my tracks and made me realize that I could forgive them. It wasn’t up to me to be their judge. Only Heavenly Father will judge them for what they did. All I had to do was forgive them…. They will answer to Heavenly Father when the time comes. What an amazing thought this was to me. Finally I was able to take out that huge rock out of my bag and toss it aside. My bag was finally empty. My burdens were finally gone.

I testify to you that I know this gospel is true. I know that Heavenly Father is there for me. That I am his daughter. That he listens to every word I say and will always answer my prayers. I know He loves me. I know that he will forgive me for my sins, as long as I forgive others. I am so grateful for the gospel in my life. For the answers it has given me. I am grateful for the scriptures and the answers and knowledge they give me. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

***  Just a side note... I added a story from President Hinckley's talk and a poem.  If you get a chance to read this talk, please do... it is amazing.

My answer came in the form of a Reality TV show

It is no mystery that I struggle with my children all the time.  Kimmy is always pushing my buttons, Matthew is starting to push, and I am scared that if I don't get a handle on this, Jacob will push too.  So I am always looking for answers.

The other night was the last straw for me.  It was a bad day all around but ended with me getting so upset that I wondered if I would have a heart attack at a young age.  So I got on my knees and was pleading to my Heavenly Father to help me and give me answers.  I went to bed feeling like he was pondering how to answer my prayer.

The next morning I still didn't feel inspired so we just went about our normal morning.  By the time all the kids were in school and Jacob went down for nap, I was just plain discouraged.  I didn't know what to do or where to go so I decided I deserved a downtime and watch some mindless tv.  What catches my eye was 19 Kids and Counting.  I haven't watched this show for a good year but today it sounded pleasant.  Boy did it wake me up.  By the time I finished watching my hour worth of tv, I knew my answer to my prayer.

If I try with all my might and do what my Father in Heaven has asked me to do, then I should see the blessings.  This is my answer and I know I need to put it into action.  It won't be easy but it will be worth it.

Wish me luck.

November 1, 2012

Jacob's latest adventure

Yes he is only 22 months but he is interested so we figured why wait.  He basically only sits on it before bath but it is a start.

Halloween 2012

What a fun Halloween for 2012.  We had a couple of parties and our new ward had a Trunk-or-Treat.  I have not been a big fan of Trunk-or-Treats but this ward goes all out.  They feed you, they try to scare you, but all in all it is a great way to visit with the ward.  We took the opportunity of the Trunk-or-Treat on Tuesday night to go visit friends on Halloween night.  That felt so much better than get a bunch more candy.
 My pretty purple witch.  I was grateful she wasn't a princess for once.
 Matthew once again wanted to be scary but the sword took over the decision on what to be.  He loved this costume.
 Jacob was too young to have an opinion but I always say he is going to grow up to be a football player so hence the costume.  Brian found these old hand-me-down cleats to wear too.
 All of them happy but ready to go out and about.
Ok so I don't normally dress up but for Girl Scouts we decided to do a Halloween party.  We thought it would be fun to dress up.  So here we go.
Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween!

October 29, 2012

Fun Fall Activities

Fall is here and it is one of my favorite seasons.  I love the cool weather and the falling leaves.  I wasn't too big on the snow that came the other day but tis the season.

One of our favorite activities in the fall is to go on the Pumpkin Walk.  The kids enjoy all the neat displays and of course they love to take pictures.  We have a bunch of pictures but these are a few of my favorites.
 They are all so cute in this Clifford picture.
 I thought Jacob looked so cute as Harry Potter.
 Matthew insisted on getting in the princess ones.  I am going to haunt him when he is a teenager with all these photos!
 This is the Matthew I love to see.
 Of course Kimmy makes a beautiful princess.
 Jacob as Mickey... priceless

 All happy faces.
 One of our other favorite activities is our annual pumpkin carving night.  In ourder are Dads, Jacobs, Matthews, Moms, annd Kimberlys.  Granted Daddy does most of the carving but the kids (even Jacob) tell him what they would like.
Our cute new house decorated for Halloween.  I just cant wait for the next couple of holidays in our new house.

Our new toy

Look at our fun new toy.  Thanks Grammie and Grampie for this fun swingset and helping put it together!